Big Question Mark

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The Big Question Mark  

Welcome to The Big Question Mark!

In many of my games, I come up against a position where I'm sure I made a mistake or could have played better and would like to get the position reviewed by a stronger player. In many cases, this means I send the game to the Go Teaching Ladder. But what if you only have a question about one aspect of the game?

Why not ask it here, so stronger players can stop by and comment on it?

Just link to your questions below, and perhaps add your rank information so people know what sort of answer to give.

Before you know it, we'll all be 9 dans.. ;)

   -- Matt Noonan

Simple one-liner questions may be posted at quick questions instead. Technical non-go-related questions related to the SL wiki itself can be posted at wiki wizard.

Table of contents





  • BQM 301 : Iron pillar in response to kakari
  • BQM 302 : On learning to read better:
  • BQM 303 : 300 essential joseki
  • BQM 304 : Question
  • BQM 305 : 3-3 Joseki Question
  • BQM 306 : Joseki question regarding the two space pincer against high approach to the 3-4 point stone.
  • BQM 307 : Continuing a resigned pro game
  • BQM 308 : From Weiqi Gaoji Jieti Xunlian, volume 2, problem 55.
  • BQM 309 : A 3-4 high approach joseki question.
  • BQM 310 : Kogos Joseki Dictionary error question
  • BQM 311 : Question about Otake Hideo's Opening theory made easy
  • BQM 312 : 44 short pincer, attach hamete?
  • BQM 313 : Life and Death (moved from SandBox)
  • BQM 314 : Tesuji in Joseki
  • BQM 315 : How do you answer this deviation from the 4-4 double high approach?
  • BQM 316 : Opening - middle game
  • BQM 317 : Endgame - value of gote second-line caputure
  • BQM 318 : Shinogi question from a Cho Chikun book.
  • BQM 319 : Group status
  • BQM 320 : How to play on the edge
  • BQM 321 : Very large-scale development from Sanrensei
  • BQM 322 : Another 3-4 high approach joseki question.
  • BQM 323 : 4-4 point low approach pincer invasion - but strange move
  • BQM 324 : When is this move better?
  • BQM 325 : Age to become a professional?
  • BQM 326 : How to play this position?
  • BQM 327 : 4-4 double high kakari question
  • BQM 328 : 3-4 Point High Approach Noseki
  • BQM 329 : 4-4 Point 3-3 Invasion Noseki
  • BQM 330 : Joseki Question from MessageBoard
  • BQM 331 : Fuseki/Joseki question
  • BQM 332 : 2-2 in response to 3-3 Invasion
  • BQM 333 : 5-5 point 4-4 invasion?
  • BQM 334 : 4-4 joseki continuation
  • BQM 335 : best place to attack is from two spaces away
  • BQM 336 : John Tromp's capture problem
  • BQM 337 : 4-4 Point 3-3 Invasion Inside Cut Joseki
  • BQM 338 : Opening: Black Tengen, White 10-4 ... What next?
  • BQM 339 : Fuseki: opening on the sides?
  • BQM 340 : Middle game: How to defend?
  • BQM 341 : old vs new joseki
  • BQM 342 : 3-3 Invasion - How to take the corner after double hane?
  • BQM 343 : White tries to take the corner? Black how to defend?
  • BQM 344 : invading 4-4 enclosures: ko is better than living?
  • BQM 345 : Fuseki fundamentals
  • BQM 346 : 5-4 joseki question
  • BQM 347 : Middlegame question - dealing with an invasion
  • BQM 348 : Close endgame question
  • BQM 349 : Joseki question
  • BQM 350 : 3-3 anti-joseki?
  • BQM 351 : Chinese Go problems
  • BQM 352 : Common joseki now out of favor?
  • BQM 353 : Where to pincer? (Opening question)
  • BQM 354 : Noseki / joseki question (4-4 high approach 1 space high pincer)
  • BQM 355 : joseki punishment question
  • BQM 356 : correct extension from influence...
  • BQM 357 : Buying japanese Go books
  • BQM 358 : Life and Death problem
  • BQM 359 : How do you handle this invasion?
  • BQM 360 : Tewari exercise
  • BQM 361 : Opening question
  • BQM 362 : Joseki (4-4, low, two-high, double, attach)
  • BQM 363 : Life or Death - Cho Chikun's Elementary #45
  • BQM 364 : Opening question on an example in Janice Kim's The Palace of Memory
  • BQM 365 : fuseki
  • BQM 366 : fuseki/invasion question
  • BQM 367 : 4-5 joseki endgame followup
  • BQM 368 : How should you reduce this moyo?
  • BQM 369 : Counterpincer question
  • BQM 370 : Tsuke-osae joseki question
  • BQM 371 : Opening question
  • BQM 372 : Theoretical endgame mirror-go question
  • BQM 373 : Game theory mathematics question
  • BQM 374 : Question about Kyu Exercise 75
  • BQM 375 : Mini-Chinese fuseki and Avalanche Joseki
  • BQM 376 : Confused about 9 stone handicap opening
  • BQM 377 : Opening question
  • BQM 378 : Corner sequence: 5-4, 3-5, 3-4, 2-4
  • BQM 379 : Nihon Kiin Great Joseki Encyclopedia
  • BQM 380 : Game review
  • BQM 381 : 20k question about life and death on the border
  • BQM 382 : Joseki deviation - how to punish, with a look on the whole-board strategy?
  • BQM 383 : Double approach (1 near, 1 distant, both low)
  • BQM 384 : Middlegame joseki question
  • BQM 385 : 4-4, one space low pincer joseki related capturing race
  • BQM 386 : Anti-Chinese Opening question
  • BQM 387 : 10k endgame problem
  • BQM 388 : Did Yamashiro Hiroshi a mistake?
  • BQM 389 : Early middle game question - how to enter a sphere of influence
  • BQM 390 : 4-4 low approach joseki question
  • BQM 391 : Tripod group discussion
  • BQM 392 : Another opening question (with a small knight move enclosure)
  • BQM 393 : Direction of play in fuseki
  • BQM 394 : How to handle a weak group?
  • BQM 395 : Why professionals do not play x?
  • BQM 396 : Endgame question (from Xuefen Lin vs. Huiren Yang)
  • BQM 397 : 4-4, knight's approach, attach underneath -- what next?
  • BQM 398 : Position from an O Meien book
  • BQM 399 : High-low double approach to 4-4
  • BQM 400 : tsumego from a kgs game




Big Question Mark last edited by Unkx80 on July 7, 2024 - 21:04
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