Big Question Mark
Welcome to The Big Question Mark!
In many of my games, I come up against a position where I'm sure I made a mistake or could have played better and would like to get the position reviewed by a stronger player. In many cases, this means I send the game to the Go Teaching Ladder. But what if you only have a question about one aspect of the game?
Why not ask it here, so stronger players can stop by and comment on it?
Just link to your questions below, and perhaps add your rank information so people know what sort of answer to give.
Before you know it, we'll all be 9 dans.. ;)
-- Matt Noonan
Simple one-liner questions may be posted at quick questions instead. Technical non-go-related questions related to the SL wiki itself can be posted at wiki wizard.
Table of contents |
- BQM 1 : A life & death problem from IGS / BQM 1 / Solution
- BQM 2 : Another life & death problem from IGS / BQM 2 / Solution
- BQM 3 : Black to form a strategy after an invasion at san-san under a 4-4 point
(problem from Muttley (6k) vs. mattn (6k) on KGS, 2001-01-31) - BQM 4 : Can Black live in the corner?
- BQM 5 : Could White have done better?
from Sakata Eio's book, "The Middle Game of Go", page 15, diagram 53. --MFM (16k* IGS) - BQM 6 : Can Black live in the corner?
- BQM 7 : How should Black invade the white moyo? --MFM (19k* IGS)
- BQM 8 : A tricky problem - status of a group
Both players left it, and the commentator agreed that Black is alive. I think however that there is death in the hane at a. --DieterVerhofstadt (1k) - Fuseki direction: from a local club game
- BQM 9 : Orthodox Fuseki - low wedge
- BQM 10 Thoughts on Black 7. 3rd or fourth line? Further 'up' or 'down'?
- I am not asking for 'right or wrong' answers, I am interested in a discussion on how you decide to play which move. The choice between third and fourth line is not easy, but we all have to make it sometimes. What basis do we use to make these decision?
- MortenPahle: Extending On Third Or Fourth Line lists some 'basics' for extensions - can we formulate similar ones for 'invasions'?
- BQM 11 : A move by Go Seigen. --Dieter
- BQM 12 : A rules issue. --Dieter
- BQM 13 : Avoiding taisha joseki. --HolIgor
- BQM 14 : Life in the corner. --Dieter
- BQM 15 : A festival of mistakes. --Dieter
- BQM 16 : An opening problem from a Sakata-Wu Qingyuan game. --DieterVerhofstadt
- BQM 17 : From a comment in Go World 66 on a game for the 46th Honinbo, between two heavyweights of the nineties. --Stefan
- BQM 18 : KillerOfGo page 119: a capturing race. --Dieter
- BQM 19 : Usual dilemma: capture the stones or tenuki?
- BQM 20 : How best to punish an overplay?
- BQM 21 : A disastrous corner fight completely reverses the course of a game!
- BQM 22 : How to answer an unorthodox pincer?
- BQM 23 : Joseki or trick play?
- BQM 24 : Looks like joseki, but are we missing something?
- BQM 25 : Overplay in joseki?
- BQM 26 : Studying fuseki. Who's better?
- BQM 27 : A new taisha Joseki variation or just an overplay?
- BQM 28 : Best move during the fuseki?
- BQM 29 : Where do you play in the chuban?
- BQM 30 : Difficult trick or joseki?
- BQM 31 : A "noseki" ?
- BQM 32 : Positional judgement....
- BQM 33 : Don't push on the fourth line?
- BQM 34 : Comparison of two joseki
- BQM 35 : A question of strength?
- BQM 36 : Which kikashi should be allowed?
- BQM 37 : Is this sequence joseki, and does it fit the overall board position?
- BQM 38 : How best to reduce?
- BQM 39 : Kageyama life & death elementary problem - alternate solution?
- BQM 40 : Early invasion
- BQM 41 : Not joseki?
- BQM 42 : What happens to this shape in the corner?
- BQM 43 : What did I do wrong in the corner?
- BQM 44 : How to count territory for both sides during the middle of the game?
- BQM 45 : A play close to thickness.
- BQM 46 : Nasty life and death fight
- BQM 47 : Spectulative invasion?
- BQM 48 : Double kakari in relation with sanrensei?
- BQM 49 : Where can Black start something?
- BQM 50 : Another life and death problem in the corner.
- BQM 51 : Where would you play? (8k, Midgame, whole board -- TnG)
- BQM 52 : About cutting and getting ahead.
- BQM 53 : Attack the invader!
- BQM 54 : About influence, thickness and slow play.
- BQM 55 : Approaching sanrensei, and countering an unusual black response
- BQM 56 : A problem I was facing, where to move at this point?
- BQM 57 : Being greedy in a runnning fight?
- BQM 58 : 3-3 opening question
- BQM 59 : Questions sparked by the fifth and final game of the 2002 Ch'eonweon
- BQM 60 : Influence!
- BQM 61 : Strange move?
- BQM 62 : A puzzling death and life problem --Michael Richter
- BQM 63 : problem 1225
- BQM 64 : Fuseki / early middle game question: to pincer or to extend?
- BQM 65 : Direction of play with respect to a very early approach...
- BQM 66 : Just a philosophical question.
- BQM 67 : Fair komi adjustment to board size?
- BQM 68 : Big point?
- BQM 69 : Weird fuseki.
- BQM 70 : Yet another fuseki question.
- BQM 71 : Life or Death question
- BQM 72 : Joseki question.
- BQM 73 : Manchurian Fuseki Question
- BQM 74 : 5-5 Joseki
- BQM 75 : Why is a high shoulder hit good and a low one bad?
- BQM 76 : Confusing Tesuji
- BQM 77 : Avalanche joseki
- BQM 78 : Tsuke-what? (Hamete.)
- BQM 79 : What is bigger?
- BQM 80 : Cross cut tesuji
- BQM 81 : About the kosumitsuke joseki
- BQM 82 : More joseki questions
- BQM 83 : Too Early 3-3 Invasion
- BQM 84 : Corner tsumego
- BQM 85 : 5th Match, Kisei 2002 Title.
- BQM 86 : Why peep instead of cut?
- BQM 87 : 3-3 point variation, Joseki context
- BQM 88 : Joseki deviation, overplay, tsumego
- BQM 89 : Scoring rules?
- BQM 90 : Better to kill before passing?
- BQM 91 : Dealing with thickness?
- BQM 92 : Related to the Six Kyu Noseki
- BQM 93 : Invasion question from Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go
- BQM 94 : White to play in a two-stone game
- BQM 95 : What to do? Reinforce the moyo or start with other areas?
- BQM 96 : An arguement on joseki choice...
- BQM 97 : Tsuke what? 2 (4-4 point joseki?)
- BQM 98 : Defending my omoyo
- BQM 99 : 13x13 question
- BQM 100 : Early invaders and using influence
- BQM 101 : Rules and ten thousand year ko
- BQM 102 : Opening question
- BQM 103 : Why is 3-4 5-4 5-3 4-3 a mistake?
- BQM 104 : Life and death related to the 4-4 6-3 enclosure, 3-3 invasion
- BQM 105 : Unusual move in joseki. Possibly hamete?
- BQM 106 : When is a side large/developable?
- BQM 107 : Table shape building
- BQM 108 : What went wrong?
- BQM 109 - 110 : integrated
- BQM 111 : White to come back from a bad initial position in a 4-handicap game.
- BQM 112 : Middle game analysis
- BQM 113 : Deep invasion
- BQM 114 : Probe
- BQM 115 : 13 x 13 game
- BQM 116 : Handicap opening
- BQM 117 : Corner invasion reading problem
- BQM 118 : Endgame question, taken from Holigor ponders Yose Principles and theory
- BQM 119 : Ko-Question
- BQM 120 : Pro thinking question
- BQM 121 : Handicap life & death
- BQM 122 : What did Ishida mean?
- BQM 123 : 4-4 point joseki followup
- BQM 124 : Large-scale opening
- BQM 125 : How to win mirror go against black and 0.5 komi
- BQM 126 : Joseki question
- BQM 127 : Miai value question
- BQM 128 : Problem 10 from Maeda's Life and Death Intermediate Level Problems
- BQM 129 : Another joseki question
- BQM 130 : Another joseki question
- BQM 131 : Abstract middle-game strategy question
- BQM 132 : 'joseki' good for white?
- BQM 133 : Reasonable tenuki?
- BQM 134 : Joseki Question
- BQM 135 : How to attack?
- BQM 136 : More Joseki.
- BQM 137 : Fastest way to make a living group.
- BQM 138 : moved from eyes
- BQM 139 : how to punish non-joseki play?
- BQM 140 : fuseki question
- BQM 141 : fuseki question
- BQM 142 : nadare question
- BQM 143 : not joseki?
- BQM 144 : another joseki question
- BQM 145 : Questions from a game
- BQM 146 : Three-space extension and footsweep
- BQM 147 : Fuseki Question
- BQM 148 : 3-3 invasion question
- BQM 149 : In-game life and death query
- BQM 150 : Reused
- BQM 151 : Middle game question
- BQM 152 : Proper direction of play?
- BQM 153 : Opening question
- BQM 154 : Tricky corner
- BQM 155 : semeai
- BQM 156 : patience
- BQM 157 : book errata?
- BQM 158 : middlegame question
- BQM 159 : a 3-3 5-5 enclosure
- BQM 160 : fuseki - terrible, or playable?
- BQM 161 : Cut from Enclosure Opening
- BQM 162 : fuseki question
- BQM 163 : 'special purpose' joseki?
- BQM 164 : unexpected kikashi response
- BQM 165 : response to "foot-sweep"?
- BQM 166 : strategy against 5-stone handicap
- BQM 167 : reuse for content formerly at V2, which was an orphan
- BQM 168 : opening question from my game.
- BQM 169 : how to score this position?
- BQM 170 : Fuseki - Next move?
- BQM 171 : Question about double approach move to 4-4
- BQM 172 : Defending an enclosure?
- BQM 173 : Does the san-san invasion work?
- BQM 174 : Yose from a famous game
- BQM 175 : Question on newer Joseki
- BQM 176 : Shoulder hit to wedge in mini-chinese.
- BQM 177 : Joseki question
- BQM 178 : living under a high shimari
- BQM 179 : Is this an overextension?
- BQM 180 : LukeNine45's life and death question.
- BQM 181 : Get Strong at Attacking problem 11
- BQM 182 : L&D question from my game.
- BQM 183 : Insanely complicated tsumego-like situation
- BQM 184 : Joseki question
- BQM 185 : Which avalanche variation?
- BQM 186 : 3-4 point high approach low extension question
- BQM 187 : Can this live?
- BQM 188 : How to react to an invasion
- BQM 189 : Joseki question
- BQM 190 : Defending a corner invasion
- BQM 191 : To Live And Die In the Center
- BQM 192 : Unplayed joseki?
- BQM 193 : Fuseki question
- BQM 194 : Chinese Fuseki
- BQM 195 : Near Thickness
- BQM 196 : Weird shoulder hit
- BQM 197 : Two non-joseki moves
- BQM 198 : Joseki question
- BQM 199 : Life-and-death question
- BQM 200 : 3-3 opening
- BQM 201 : Reduction question
- BQM 202 : Extended bamboo. ( Shape. )
- BQM 203 : How to invate at the side?
- BQM 204 : How big is the Ko.
- BQM 205 : Attack on a 2 space 3rd line jump
- BQM 206 : Answer peep and die?
- BQM 207 : Joseki question
- BQM 208 : Corner invasion
- BQM 209 : 34PointHighApproachOneSpaceLowPincer Question
- BQM 210 : Whole board best-move question
- BQM 211 : Move order in fighting
- BQM 212 : Pushing question
- BQM 213 : Best way to reduce?
- BQM 214 : Huge yose : how to stop the reduction?
- BQM 215 : Take the exchange, or keep leaning?
- BQM 216 : Does black need to catch up?
- BQM 217 : Game position
- BQM 218 : How to exploit a broken ladder?
- BQM 219 : Dead or Alive?
- BQM 220 : How to make White heavy?
- BQM 221 : Invasion/reduction sequence
- BQM 222 : Playing an infinitesimal
- BQM 223 : Best way to close the border
- BQM 224 : Black needs another move?
- BQM 225 : Attacking a heavy group
- BQM 226 : How to use influence
- BQM 227 : Joseki choice question
- BQM 228 : Macro-endgame question
- BQM 229 : Interesting relationship between two shapes
- BQM 230 : Fuseki question
- BQM 231 : Shusaku Kosumi question
- BQM 232 : Fuseki/Joseki deviation question
- BQM 233 : Endgame question
- BQM 234 : GoBase Fuseki search question
- BQM 235 : How to handle this invasion?
- BQM 236 : How to handle this other invasion?
- BQM 237 : End-of-game scoring question
- BQM 238 : 60th Honinbo Match Game 5 Move 21.
- BQM 239 : Bombed an invasion again...
- BQM 240 : Alexandre Dinerchtein's deviation from joseki
- BQM 241 : Unusual 3-3 invasion variation
- BQM 242 : How to handle this invasion
- BQM 243 : Joseki Question
- BQM 244 : Judging Endgame?
- BQM 245 : How do you answer the counter-pincer?
- BQM 246 : 3-4 high approach, low pincer variation
- BQM 247 : Status?
- BQM 248 : Niken Tobi "middlegame joseki"?
- BQM 249 : Fuseki on single side.
- BQM 250 : Which joseki variation, considering the whole board?
- BQM 251 : Life and death problem
- BQM 252 : 33-invasion
- BQM 253 : endgame value question
- BQM 254 : attach/extend joseki question
- BQM 255 : when to use wider pincer?
- BQM 256 : Copied from TsumegoFromGames48
- BQM 257 : Problem 18 from
- BQM 258 : When is a group too big to sacrifice?
- BQM 259 : Next move in the Opening question
- BQM 260 : 3473 Enclosure
- BQM 261 : Double approach non-joseki
- BQM 262 : Possible book errata
- BQM 263 : Trick move?
- BQM 264 : From The 1971 Honinbo Tournament Chapter One
- BQM 265 : What's so durned big about it?
- BQM 266 : Trick Plays in 4-4 Joseki?
- BQM 267 : Fuseki Question
- BQM 268 : Hamete in 3-4, high pincer, two-space pincer joseki
- BQM 269 : Does the clamp work?
- BQM 270 : Influence Exercise?
- BQM 271 : 38 Basic Joseki, page 46 semeai
- BQM 272 : Life and Death problem
- BQM 273 : Best move?
- BQM 274 : How to handle invasion of kogeima shimari with extension?
- BQM 275 : Unoptimal pro move?
- BQM 276 : Silly 9x9 game
- BQM 277 : Joseki vulgarity
- BQM 278 : Playing on the Internet
- BQM 279 : Weiqi Rapid Drill 800 Problems move order question
- BQM 280 : A life and death problem
- BQMRJ000 : Discussion of a Ko and its Value
- BQM 281 : History of Go in Japan
- BQM 282 : Whole board joseki question
- BQM 283 : Can Black live?
- BQM 284 : Korean Problem Academy level 2, problem 11, wrong solution?
- BQM 285 : Seki?
- BQM 286 : Joseki question that someone forgot to add
- BQM 287 : From The Endgame by Ogawa and Davies
- BQM 288 : Protecting a "safe" hoshi enclosure
- BQM 289 : Opening question
- BQM 290 : Distant High approach to the 3-3 point
- BQM 291 : Question on joseki in Baduk Made Fun and Easy Lesson 38.
- BQM 292 : What's the best move?
- BQM 293 : tactical problem
- BQM 294 : Three opening questions - 3-4, 4-4, 3-3
- BQM 295 : Sequence from sixth game of 29th Kisei Title
- BQM 296 : Which Joseki to choose here?
- BQM 297 : What homework to give for Go classes?
- BQM 298 : How to counter a globally questionable joseki
- BQM 299 : Fuseki -- counter counter pincer?
- BQM 300 : Double kakari joseki
- BQM 301 : Iron pillar in response to kakari
- BQM 302 : On learning to read better:
- BQM 303 : 300 essential joseki
- BQM 304 : Question
- BQM 305 : 3-3 Joseki Question
- BQM 306 : Joseki question regarding the two space pincer against high approach to the 3-4 point stone.
- BQM 307 : Continuing a resigned pro game
- BQM 308 : From Weiqi Gaoji Jieti Xunlian, volume 2, problem 55.
- BQM 309 : A 3-4 high approach joseki question.
- BQM 310 : Kogos Joseki Dictionary error question
- BQM 311 : Question about Otake Hideo's Opening theory made easy
- BQM 312 : 44 short pincer, attach hamete?
- BQM 313 : Life and Death (moved from SandBox)
- BQM 314 : Tesuji in Joseki
- BQM 315 : How do you answer this deviation from the 4-4 double high approach?
- BQM 316 : Opening - middle game
- BQM 317 : Endgame - value of gote second-line caputure
- BQM 318 : Shinogi question from a Cho Chikun book.
- BQM 319 : Group status
- BQM 320 : How to play on the edge
- BQM 321 : Very large-scale development from Sanrensei
- BQM 322 : Another 3-4 high approach joseki question.
- BQM 323 : 4-4 point low approach pincer invasion - but strange move
- BQM 324 : When is this move better?
- BQM 325 : Age to become a professional?
- BQM 326 : How to play this position?
- BQM 327 : 4-4 double high kakari question
- BQM 328 : 3-4 Point High Approach Noseki
- BQM 329 : 4-4 Point 3-3 Invasion Noseki
- BQM 330 : Joseki Question from MessageBoard
- BQM 331 : Fuseki/Joseki question
- BQM 332 : 2-2 in response to 3-3 Invasion
- BQM 333 : 5-5 point 4-4 invasion?
- BQM 334 : 4-4 joseki continuation
- BQM 335 : best place to attack is from two spaces away
- BQM 336 : John Tromp's capture problem
- BQM 337 : 4-4 Point 3-3 Invasion Inside Cut Joseki
- BQM 338 : Opening: Black Tengen, White 10-4 ... What next?
- BQM 339 : Fuseki: opening on the sides?
- BQM 340 : Middle game: How to defend?
- BQM 341 : old vs new joseki
- BQM 342 : 3-3 Invasion - How to take the corner after double hane?
- BQM 343 : White tries to take the corner? Black how to defend?
- BQM 344 : invading 4-4 enclosures: ko is better than living?
- BQM 345 : Fuseki fundamentals
- BQM 346 : 5-4 joseki question
- BQM 347 : Middlegame question - dealing with an invasion
- BQM 348 : Close endgame question
- BQM 349 : Joseki question
- BQM 350 : 3-3 anti-joseki?
- BQM 351 : Chinese Go problems
- BQM 352 : Common joseki now out of favor?
- BQM 353 : Where to pincer? (Opening question)
- BQM 354 : Noseki / joseki question (4-4 high approach 1 space high pincer)
- BQM 355 : joseki punishment question
- BQM 356 : correct extension from influence...
- BQM 357 : Buying japanese Go books
- BQM 358 : Life and Death problem
- BQM 359 : How do you handle this invasion?
- BQM 360 : Tewari exercise
- BQM 361 : Opening question
- BQM 362 : Joseki (4-4, low, two-high, double, attach)
- BQM 363 : Life or Death - Cho Chikun's Elementary #45
- BQM 364 : Opening question on an example in Janice Kim's The Palace of Memory
- BQM 365 : fuseki
- BQM 366 : fuseki/invasion question
- BQM 367 : 4-5 joseki endgame followup
- BQM 368 : How should you reduce this moyo?
- BQM 369 : Counterpincer question
- BQM 370 : Tsuke-osae joseki question
- BQM 371 : Opening question
- BQM 372 : Theoretical endgame mirror-go question
- BQM 373 : Game theory mathematics question
- BQM 374 : Question about Kyu Exercise 75
- BQM 375 : Mini-Chinese fuseki and Avalanche Joseki
- BQM 376 : Confused about 9 stone handicap opening
- BQM 377 : Opening question
- BQM 378 : Corner sequence: 5-4, 3-5, 3-4, 2-4
- BQM 379 : Nihon Kiin Great Joseki Encyclopedia
- BQM 380 : Game review
- BQM 381 : 20k question about life and death on the border
- BQM 382 : Joseki deviation - how to punish, with a look on the whole-board strategy?
- BQM 383 : Double approach (1 near, 1 distant, both low)
- BQM 384 : Middlegame joseki question
- BQM 385 : 4-4, one space low pincer joseki related capturing race
- BQM 386 : Anti-Chinese Opening question
- BQM 387 : 10k endgame problem
- BQM 388 : Did Yamashiro Hiroshi a mistake?
- BQM 389 : Early middle game question - how to enter a sphere of influence
- BQM 390 : 4-4 low approach joseki question
- BQM 391 : Tripod group discussion
- BQM 392 : Another opening question (with a small knight move enclosure)
- BQM 393 : Direction of play in fuseki
- BQM 394 : How to handle a weak group?
- BQM 395 : Why professionals do not play x?
- BQM 396 : Endgame question (from Xuefen Lin vs. Huiren Yang)
- BQM 397 : 4-4, knight's approach, attach underneath -- what next?
- BQM 398 : Position from an O Meien book
- BQM 399 : High-low double approach to 4-4
- BQM 400 : tsumego from a kgs game
- BQM 401 : Chen Zude vs. Yang Yilun - Why did Black resign?
- BQM 402 : 3-4, high approach, tenuki - joseki discussion
- BQM 403
- BQM 404
- BQM 405 : Midgame largescale life/death from pro game
- BQM 406 : Joseki related: Am I taking profit here... or just lacking fighting spirit?
- BQM 407 : Playing against the "unorthodox fuseki" (54-35 enclosure)
- BQM 408 : Thickness is the biggest problem for beginners
- BQM 409 : Question about Large Knight Move Enclosure
- BQM 410 : Game situation of Life and Death
- BQM 411
- BQM 412 : Shusaku kosumi revisited
- BQM 413 : What is the Alien symbol?
- BQM 414 : Joseki or trick play?
- BQM 415 : Long L+1 group discussion
- BQM 416
- BQM 417
- BQM 418
- BQM 419
- BQM 420
- BQM 421
- BQM 422
- BQM 423
- BQM 424
- BQM 425: Kyu kobayashi formation... (in early middlegame)
- BQM 426
- BQM 427
- BQM 428: 5-4 double tenuki; What to do next?
- BQM 429: Is the moyo big ?
- BQM 430: Move two lost the game ?
- BQM 431
- BQM 432
- BQM 433: How to Make Territory While Attacking
- BQM 434: Joseki question from 4-5 point 3-3 approach
- BQM 435: Question moved from Bent Four in the Corner
- BQM 436: "Whole Board Thinking in Joseki" Question
- BQM 437: Invasion question
- BQM 438: Where is the mistake - from kyu blitz
- BQM 439: A joseki variation
- BQM 440: Corner life & death problem
- BQM 441: Takagawa blocks on the "wrong" side?
- BQM 442: 7x7 position
- BQM 443: Trouble with the double low approach
- BQM 444: Extending on the Second Line
- BQM 445: 9x9 corner situation
- BQM 446: Question about shimari + extension invasion midgame joseki
- BQM 447: life and death problem
- BQM 448: nice strong solid straight J group only alive in seki?
- BQM 449: kyu opening question (white sanrensei)
- BQM 450: moyo vs moyo question
- BQM 451: invasion in fuseki
- BQM 452: invasion
- BQM 453: Corner position? four on the fourth line in the corner?
- BQM 454: another corner position, similar to BQM453
- BQM 455: discussion of moves after the 44PointLowApproachCap, dedicated to Go Seigen :)
- BQM 456: Questions about angle plays from below.
- BQM 457: Question about 34PointHighApproachInsideContactSagari
- BQM 458: Joseki question
- BQM 459: Question about CGT value of corner position
- BQM 460: Question about kisei match
- BQM 461: 3 stone living group?
- BQM 462: Side Invasion
- BQM 463: 3-3 invasion with strange follow up
- BQM 464: How to handle a framework around 3-4 point?
- BQM 465: Endgame for fourth line territory
- BQM 466: A 2 kyu has questions about the endgame
- BQM 467: Shoulder hit question
- BQM 468: Fwiffo's fuseki question (KGS 9k)...
- BQM 469: punishing joseki deviation (4-4 under 5-5)
- BQM 470: Double low approach, attach, hane, stretch, 33 point... what next?
- BQM 471: From the 3rd game of the BCcard Cup World Baduk Championship finals
- BQM 472: J-Group question
- BQM 473: 45Point43ApproachInsideContact variation
- BQM 474: Double 3-3 opening
- BQM 475: Armpit hit question
- BQM 476: Endgame question
- BQM 477: 44 point, 35 angle play - "diagonal approach" to 44 point
- BQM 478: Fuseki question
- BQM 479: Thickness question
- BQM 480: joseki?
- BQM 481: life & death
- BQM 482: sansan-invasion in komoku based framework
- BQM 483: 44PointLowApproachAttachBlockJoseki - What is joseki here? SL vs. database search
- BQM 484: how to handle a double ko?
- BQM 485: 3-4 point, high approach, keima joseki question
- BQM 486: corner status
- BQM 487: How to handle an invasion
- BQM 488: tsumego? Is it a Ko?
- BQM 489: Opening question
- BQM 490: Question about 4-4 6-3 enclosure, 3-3 invasion
- BQM 491: pg 159. dia. 2 from 38 Basic Joseki (Josegi & Davies) Question about Life and Death after Joseki
- BQM 492: Kobayashi fuseki trick move
- BQM 493: Shoulder hit of 5-3 point at 4-4 point
- BQM 494: How to handle this?
- BQM 495: should black continue to sacrifice his stones to kill white?
- BQM 496: 3-3 invasion question
- BQM 497: Modern fuseki question
- BQM 498: Corner invasion
- BQM 499: Counting seki
- BQM 500:
- BQM 501:
- >BQM 502:
- BQM 503:
- BQM 504: 3-4 point kosumi approach
- BQM 505: middlegame question
- BQM 506: status of a corner position (weak legged l+2 group with an extra liberty and an additional hane)
- BQM 507: L+2 group, "rogue ko"
- BQM 508: 9 stone handicaps, general discussion
- BQM 509: Sanrensei, approach, big knights move answer twice...
- BQM 510: Endgame question
- BQM 511: 3354enclosure probe at komoku
- BQM 512: 34 high approach, one space low pincer kicked
- BQM 513: Punish variation from joseki ?
- BQM 514: Containing a worm in your moyo.
- BQM 515: tewari request
- BQM 516: question about a tsumego
- BQM 517: Hello ! I'm stumped on this stumego question BQM 517/Attempts
- BQM 518: large avalanche question (unanswered)
- BQM 519: 4-4 point approach, distant high pincer, jump out ... and then 3-3 invasion
- BQM 520: 3-3 invasion under 4-5 point
- BQM 521: How do I attack this shape (2 space jump with opponent strong outside)? (unanswered
- BQM 522: interesting joseki variation by joanne missingham
- BQM 523: question regarding 4-5 point 4-3 approach keima, contact at 6-3
- BQM 524: Star point as approach to 3-5 point
- BQM 525: Follow up to BQM 383
- BQM 526: Unconventional enclosure invasion?
- BQM 527: could TheCaptain kill the white group? (turns out he couldn't)
- BQM 528: good exchange or bad exchange? (kikashi or aji keshi?)
- BQM 529: Joseki fashions among amateurs
- BQM 530: 3-4 point, distant low approach, pincer experiments
- BQM 531:
- BQM 532:
- BQM 533: Two space approach to komoku pincer question.
- BQM 534: Kobayshi Hybrid Early Early Fuseki Question.
- BQM 535:
- BQM 536: Da Ya Liang questions
- BQM 537:
- BQM 538: "Korean joseki" question
- BQM 539: Regarding Go World 87 "The Korean Style(2), Korean Joseki Innovations"
- BQM 540: How to cope with this framework. (1 dans at work)
- BQM 541
- BQM 542: Territory counting
- BQM 543: Orthodox fuseki - wedge etc., early invasion
- BQM 544:
- BQM 545: 3-4, high approach, low pincer, separate joseki question
- BQM 546:
- BQM 547: 34 Point Low Approach Two Space High Pincer Hazama Tobi
- BQM 548:
- BQM 549:
- BQM 550: Squeezing out an endgame point (from Rin Kaiho - Ishida Yoshio game)
- BQM 551:
- BQM 552: Chinese opening - pincer variations
- BQM 553: Probing in the opening
- BQM 554: Threatening a ko as ko threat question
- BQM 555: 3-3 invasion double hane variations
- BQM 556: Splitting move in unknown shape / naming question
- BQM 557: Furikawari in the opening
- BQM 558: Thin vs. light discussion
- BQM 559: 3-3 invasion in 4-4, 6-3 enclosure
- BQM 560: 3-4 one-space high pincer noseki variation
- BQM 561: 4-4, low-approach, keima, 2-3 noseki
- BQM 562: Common joseki variation without SL coverage
- BQM 563: moving an old discussion about the low chinese opening here.
- BQM 564: L group moved out one space diagonally
- BQM 565: Result of mid-joseki tenuki
- BQM 566: Joseki variation (reduction in double wing formation)
- BQM 567: Tenuki after 3-3 invasion and tenuki after shoulder-hit on 3-3 point
- BQM 568: Tengen opening from turn-based game, how to play balanced against tengen?
- BQM 569: Could I have saved this group?
- BQM 570: Understanding the probe (in Kobayashi opening)
- BQM 571: Tsumego
- BQM 572: Answer to 4th line invasion
- BQM 573: Evaluating a ko
- BQM 574: Fun with the taisha joseki
- BQM 575: 6k game w/ chinese opening - how to handle the unexpected move
- BQM 576: Opening question
- BQM 577: Chinese opening - continuation
- BQM 578: Tsumego problem
- BQM 579: 4-4, 3-3, 2-2
- BQM 580: <please reuse>
- BQM 581: How (not) to handle scared beginners?
- BQM 582
- BQM 583: Tsumego from game
- BQM 584: Middlegame joseki?
- BQM 585: Next move? (Middlegame)
- BQM 586: Invasion or reduction?
- BQM 587: Why professionals do not play x?
- BQM 588: Middlegame question — how to attack?
- BQM 589: 44,46 enclosure double approach
- BQM 590: Middlegame question — strategy
- BQM 591: 4-4 6-3 3-3 3-4 2-3 BQM 591/Attempts
- BQM 592
- BQM 593
- BQM 594: A question about a ko fight
- BQM 595: A small reading problem which should be easy...
- BQM 596: Life and death: Can you live? (12k failed)
- BQM 597: surrounding conditions for the J group, BQM597/Answer
- BQM 598: Life and Death in a corner
- BQM 599: Are the L+0.5 groups also dead?
- BQM 600:
- BQM 601: Ko? against the 313WN notcher BQM 601/Attempts
- BQM 602: 4-3 , 3-3 , 3-4 , 2-2
- BQM 603: About the 4-4 slide and tenuki
- BQM 604: Counting
- BQM 605: 3-3 invasion or 3-4 against 4-5?
- BQM 606: an endgame question (miai value exercise)
- BQM Categorical List
- Thumbnail Index 1-20