BQM 571
Black has just played 1 in the diagram, White tenuki. White (much stronger player) assures me that Black can kill.
Andy: Black can think about starting with the monkey jump to reduce white's eyespace.
ThorAvaTahr: Good suggestion. For killing purposes the small monkey jump is usually a little bit better (but depends on the circumstances ofcourse). It is because than black is more flexible to sacrifice , it does not give white an eyeshape when
is captured.
Lets have a look at some variations.
Now A and B are miai, white lives in this sequence. (Note that is necessary because if white plays there the capture of
results in an eye)
Here sacrificing does not give white an eye. But white's shape is so large that it lives (by the grace of its outside liberties).
In this case white live as well
From this short survey I would conclude white lives, but surely I could mis a variation.
unkx80: I thought that this is the "standard" problem. The original problem seemed too wide to kill.