BQM 391

    Keywords: Life & Death, Question

char: In the Tripod Group page, it has the following diagram and the comments next to it:

Third attack  

This is the third attack. B2 is the only way for life, and will be elaborated later.


char: However, I can't find a way to kill this. Does anyone have any idea on how to proceed?


char: The best try is probably W3 here, but after B4, again I don't see how white can kill.

MrTenuki: The answer is given in the Tripod Group page: White would play W3 at a, and the result is a bent four in the corner.


B2 is the wrong way to answer W1. After the exchange of W3 and B4, W5 is possible. The result is bent four in the corner, and Black is dead.


char: the diagram above is what it says at the tripod group page, and actually many other sources about tripod group.

However, without making the B6/W7 exchange in the diagram above, wouldn't black have enough liberties?

Dieter: I agree and feel awkward to do so.

unkx80: I guess I introduced the error when I WikiMasterEdited that page two years ago. Meanwhile, nobody corrected me!

BQM 391 last edited by Dieter on July 5, 2008 - 12:49
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