Josekipedia ( is an open and international community-contributed joseki database. It was created by Adam Miller (the creator of the At the time of creation, it contained several new ideas for a joseki database, such as colour coding of moves, community voting on moves, and wrong lines.
As of 14 June 2018, the database contains approximately 40,000 sequences (as seen after “Cont” for the empty board on the home page).
- Josekipedia contains a database of joseki sequences, which can be browsed through the joseki browser. The sequences include both good and bad variations. Moves are colour coded to distinguish between josekis and other moves such as trick plays and mistakes.
- Some moves contains a small amount of commentary in the form of comments. Some variations are annotated with labels such as "this position is settled" and "fighting pattern". The source of some josekis are included, such as the book Jungsuk in our Time.
- Individual positions can be linked through a permalink feature.
- The contents of the above, including the user interface, can be internationalized.
- Josekipedia is crowdsourced, in which users contribute to its contents. In other words, users can add and modify among other things, joseki sequences, comments, and annotations. This crowdsourcing idea is also seen in other websites, such as Sensei's Library where users contribute contents, and where users contribute problems.
- On Josekipedia, users can also ask questions on variations by tagging them as such. This is similar to Big Question Mark on Sensei's Library. It may however take some time until an answer is given, and questions can even be deleted without explanation.
- The joseki browser is a modification of Eidogo.
- Josekipedia is scalable for a large database containing many josekis. It loads information on demand using Javascript, when users click on different branches of the josekis.
Tapir: Like all joseki databases it should be handled with care, sometimes it announces lines as the best one, which have been tried in professional games but never won a game (according to game databases).