SL Snapshot

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For those of you who would like a local copy of Sensei's Library, here it is:

Snapshot of Sensei's Library, 2024-10-22 (about 26150 pages and 49100 diagrams; total file size 278 MiB, senseis-library extracted directory size 634 MiB)[1]
[ext] download as .tar.bz2 (108 MiB)
or [ext] download as .tgz (124 MiB)

The snapshot includes all pages, diagrams, and SGF files.

Just like everything else on SL, this snapshot is published under the terms of the OpenContent license. See SL copyright.

Some very old snapshots are also available in the HTMLHelp format (chm) (~65 MB). See /CHM.

Please see PocketSL or SLoT for snapshots viewable on most hand-held computers.

If you think that the snapshot is out of date, drop Arno a short message.

See [ext] for older snapshots.

Note: snapshots from 2002 or earlier may have filename link mismatches on case-sensitive systems.

Unpacking the snapshot

  • On Windows, snapshots can be unpacked with:
    • [ext] 7-Zip (binaries are available for Linux and macOS also)
    • [ext] PeaZip (binaries are available for Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD also)
    • [ext] WinRAR
  • On UNIX (macOS, Solaris, etc.) and UNIX-like (BSD, Linux, etc.) operating systems with [ext] GNU tar or [ext] star, snapshots can be unpacked with the "tar xvf" command. If your tar is not GNU tar or star, you can unpack the .tgz snapshot like this: "gzip -cd file.tgz | tar xf -", and the .tar.bz2 snapshot like this: "bzip2 -cd file.tar.bz2 | tar xf -".
  • On macOS you can also use one of the following applications:


Q: Could snapshots be provided more often?

A: Currently, making a snapshot of SL is not done by a script, but manually. There is a plethora of reasons why. Usually, I provide a new snapshot every 2-3 months.

The wiki-dump.sql file used by the manually-made snapshots is updated once per month (automatically).

Q: I'd like to play with the wiki data myself. Do you provide the wiki data in source text format?

A: Yes. Use the [ext] wiki-dump.sql file. It is a snapshot of part of the wiki database. It contains all information necessary to play around. The file is updated monthly.

Q: For searching in the snapshot it would be good to have a chm-file.

A: Yes, I have just prepared such a file. More Information: /CHM

Q: Why can't I just update my old snapshot but have to download the whole snapshot again? SL should additionally provide only the updated files since last snapshot for those who already have one.

A: With links, paths, templates, embedded searches etc. pages may change even when they have not been modified. It is currently not possible to tell what pages are affected by changes. If only modified pages would be provided, then your copy would get ever more out of sync. Until the problem is solved, you have to download the whole package again.

Q: The archives contain graphics, where a.gif and A.gif, unpacked (under win) to the same folder, give a warning 'overwrite?'

A: This should no longer be a problem with new snapshots. On the old snapshots you can ignore the error and just overwrite the file.

[1] This is mainly for users of very old systems and for users that are forced for some reason to work with little available storage space. As the tarball contains many small files, you can save some space by putting the directory in an [ext] optical disc image. This is because of filesystem design and creation differences (between CD-ROM, and HDD and SSD ones). In a few words, for files that are smaller than the size of the filesystem's cluster/block/sector size, the smaller the cluster/block/sector size, the less space will be wasted for the storage of those files.

SL Snapshot last edited by ArnoHollosi on October 22, 2024 - 11:27
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