My SL bookmarks
- BigQuestionMark
- TsumegoFromGames
- BeginnersEndgameExercise2
- Go rating comparison
- force feeding
KGS statistics
- BasicJapaneseForReadingGoBooks
Interactive way to Go
Hi, I'm Jonathan Cano.
I live in Santa Cruz California, USA.
I learned Go some time around 1987 from a Physics professor at De Anza Community College.
At times in the past I have studied Go rules minutiae (e.g. super ko verses simple ko, the various national rule sets etc...) and CGT as applied to Go.
When I do play it is on DGS (mostly) and KGS (infrequently). My accounts on those servers are:
I am funkyj on GoDiscussions.com
Problem books I want:
- KoreanProblemAcademy (tsumego)
- LiChangHoJingjiangWeiqiShoujin (tesuji)
Problem books I have:
- LiChangHoJingjiangWeiqiSihuo (tsumego)