BQM 314

    Keywords: Joseki, Tesuji, Question

There is a tesuji that I have seen in a number of joseki as an example of why a certain move does not work.


Here it is in a mistake in a pincer joseki...


And in the small avalanche, this will put white into a ladder.

Bill: Small avalanche? Doesn't White have an extra stone (white+circle)?

Now I understand that the tesuji works by threatening snapback, but can't the defender make trouble by playing a in the diagrams? Or, to be more precise with my question, how should the person using the tesuji respond?

This has been a problem for me where I cannot put the stone at a in a ladder because the ladder does not favor me in the small nadare.


I cannot play b because the ladder does not favor me.

zinger: In this diagram W6 could be at c. The extra stone noted by Bill makes this sequence not really work for black.

Imagist: Ah, that makes sense, and now I understand why my opponent played there.


zinger: In this case, W2 works. After W4, B1 cannot profitably escape. White could also play W4 at a, which eliminates aji on the outside, but leaves some on the inside (a black cut at W4).

BQM 314 last edited by Dieter on July 5, 2008 - 12:48
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