BQM 377
Tapir: Both players were around 3/4k at KGS. I'm playing black. I was playing confidently to , the exchange of for doesn't look good to me. Black suddenly became heavy. After I couldn't help but play which looks like another heavy move. (Black managed to build a big wall towards the center and won by 6,5 with main territory in the center, upper right edge and lower right corner against white main territories on the upper edge and lower left corner.)
My questions... What do you think about the whole thing? What else can black do with 11, 13, 15? What if jumps out instead of defending the corner?
LukeNine45: (I'm not much if any stronger than you, but...) White owes a move at a or b before -- I think is the proper punishment.
LukeNine45: I don't think you should ignore . Not sure if is the correct response or not, but is left in a very odd spot if you don't respond (it looks like you played a shoulder-hit against the enclosure, which seems unlikely to be a good move).
Tapir: Actually I tried to develop fast in my first moves, that is why I was reluctant to answer at 9 or a (which might be possible as well but doesn't look good here, my guess). That's why I tenukied. Imagine 7 as a reduction play - is it really so odd then? (See here)
Andy Pierce: Go Seigen thinks the shoulder hit against the enclosure is fine generally speaking (A Way of Play for the 21st Century), but continuing with in the absence of a compelling reason on the left side looks strange to me. Go seems to suggest leaving light as a reducing move, with an eye to either pressing white low and influencing the center with a , Bb exchange, or looking to attach at c following the shoulder hit against this enclosure locally.
Velobici: Leaving as a light stone is certainly an option, but then playing 13, 17, and 19 convert the light stone into a heavy group located between the strong corner and the White stones with considerably more eyeshape than that string of four black stones. Black 13, 17 and 19 are equivalent to , c, and d in this diagram. Black 15 is one line too high, perhaps? Black 15 has poor relationship with Black 7 and 11. The string of four Black stones do not have a base and the Black stones above are without a base, as well. Seems that Black has a difficult game ahead.
Bill: If , White plays , evoking . After (or perhaps a), Black is left with a heavy, eyeless group. in the first diagram is fine.
Minue: White 2 in your second diagram is overplay.
To avoid getting enclosed, White may resist with . Then, Local sequence follows upto , and black can play in this opening and begin fight in a favorable position.
Tapir: Thank you for the answers. Especially the sequence in followup 1 is an eye-opener. We played 1 to 4 (in the 1-1 diagram) later (moves 27-30) but I didn't see the cut at 5 thus making much less out of this.