BQM 357
Imagist: I would like to order go books off of Amazon Japan, but I don't know how to read Japanese and therefore am having difficulty navigating the process. Does anybody know of a guide (or would anybody be willing to make one) for this process?
Bill: Why don't you say more about what you are looking for? I am kind of busy right now, but I might be able to find a book or two for you. Other people here read Japanese, too. :-)
Bob McGuigan: I posted instructions for finding go books on somewhere in SL, but I've forgotten exactly where and I don't have time to search right now. I'll see if I can find it later.
cynewulf: Bottom of GoBooks/Discussion?
Bob: That's it! Only now has the heading hon 本 in the browse column, and the "entertainment" heading is quite far down the list. I haven't tried the English functionality recently.
cynewulf: has enhanced their browse-in-English functionality -- it looks like every page is now covered by it. It still helps if you know what you're looking for, though. Quick guide: Go to and search for something. I put in 正々堂々 -- looking for 正々堂々 高尾の力学, which I believe is the same book as Pure and Simple Takao's Astute Use of Brute Force. You could also search for 高尾紳路, Takao's name. Anyway, once you get to a book page, there's a "Would you like to see this page in English ? Click here." link which will probably help. You can stay in English through the checkout process. They take US credit cards and such. Note: For international shipments, they only offer airmail, which is (for books, to North America) 2700 yen per shipment plus 300 yen per item -- rather expensive -- so you'll want to buy a bunch of stuff at once.
Bob McGuigan: You can also search by ISBN number if you have it. The shipping costs are high but the final price is not out of line with what you would pay if you could find the book on the shelf at a Japanese bookstore like Kinokuniya in the USA or Europe.
Bill: FWIW, here is my Amazon Japan bookmark