BQM 442
A problem from two different 7x7 Go investigations.
In 7x7 Go b is mentioned as best move. While on an SGF about the same problem a is given as best move.
Please high ranking Go players tell me (12 kyu) what is best.
Dieter: I am no expert, but here's what I see. Black's throw in forces an extra move inside White's territory later.
willemien Hi Dieter Thanks for your reply. according to the Tromp sgf the following is best
your remark about the neutral points is valid white needs to add a stone inside his territory so loses a point under territory rules
(and this way the problem becomes an wholeboard endgame problem
lightvector: Edit from years later in the future! (2021)
KataGo suggests that the throw-in may be actually completely unplayable for black, because white has this placement to cause trouble next. The immediate threat is the cut at "a", Black must defend it somehow.