When you play Go in a competitive or club environment, you will in time receive a rank. For information on playing strength without reference to rank see Strength.
The competitive environment might be run by a national association, an international association, a Go server or a computer program.
You will start somewhere between 30 and 20 kyu. As your ability progresses, your rank will go down in steps to 1 kyu (Japanese term - in Korea gup, in China Ji?). After that comes 1 dan, the first amateur 'expert' level (Korean dan, Chinese duan); and eventually 7 dan, which is the highest generally-recognised rank for amateurs.
Frequently asked questions
- What's the use of this "ranking" ?
- How do I use ranks to determine the handicap ?
- Can I see a comparison of the strengths of different ranks across the world ?
- Do pros have a comparable ranking ?
- How do amateur ranks relate to pro ranks ?
- Are there any Professional promotion tournaments ?
- Is there an absolute rank?
- How much does one know at a given rank ?
- What ranking systems are there in Europe ?
- What's the relation between rank and rating ? - see Rating.
- What are the Rationales behind rating systems ?
Rating systems
- rank - first comments
- Circular dominance
- Rank compared to Martial Arts
- BQM35
- A One-Dan Pro may be Stronger than a Nine-Dan Pro
- Rank in China
- Rank Inflation
- IgoRanksExplanationMathAndEstimation
See Also
- Professional Rank
- Professional Rank Histograms