BQM 246
AndyPierce: I recently came to grief (as white) after transposition to this line from the 34PointHighApproachOneSpaceLowPincer in this manner.
There followed some pushing with Ba, Wb, Bc, Wd etc. I wasn't happy with this because black got development on both sides and I felt my thickness was hurt by . I would have been happy to play either the standard 34PointHighApproachKeima line, or something along the lines of the Extension-Attach 34PointHighApproachOneSpaceLowPincer line, but was lost as to how to proceed in this hybrid case. Should white have wedged at the circled point? A little help here please?
kokiri : there is some discussion of a position involving this sort of development in a game review in bulletin 1 of the recent ECG:
Dave: Without seeing the rest of the board (and continuation) it is difficult to draw firm conclusions. However, if the top developed as shown above and then White naturally played on the left side around , then White should be quite satisfied. Black has been pushed down along the top and White has prevented Black from playing on both sides by attacking the weak point in Black's position with
. I assume from the question that things did not turn out this way. So what actually happened?
Andy: White didn't know when to stop pushing from ahead and black got to make a play on left side first.
Bob McGuigan: A GoBase search turned up almost no professional games in which Black played . Black virtually always made a hanging connection instead of
. Furthermore, when White plays the covering move
, Black virtually always makes a one-space jump out instead of pushing. Black is pushing from behind, usually not a good thing, and White gets sente to play the key move on the left side, as Dave points out.
Andy: "the hanging connection" means a right? why is this preferred?
PurpleHaze: No, the hanging connection would be b, it is good shape.
Bill: It does not leave the weakness that exploits in Dave's diagram.