BQM 236
The result of this invasion felt unsatisfactory for Black.
To put it simply, I got spanked by this twice at go club last week. This week I would like to show that I learned something and not get spanked again ;)
Looking at this, it occurs to me that I should have played this sequence in the corner first. How would this affect the invasion?
Bill: Yes, Black's position is much better in the second diagram. In the first diagram the stones look a bit heavy, and in the second Black can exploit the weakness of .
Please show the whole board and your continuation in the game. Thanks. :-)
Velobici: I wish I could show the whole board and continuation. Unfortunately, I dont remember the games. Both were played at the go club that I attend on Sunday evenings. Had it been on a go server, I would gladly provide the SGF file.
Bill, could you show one or two ways to exploit the weakness of ?
Bill: Ba. Normally that will be sente. Usually it is not worth playing, but if Black is in trouble....
Charles Matthews By the way, Black left an incomplete formation.
(See the /Discussion page for Charles's point about the Invasion diagram.)
Velobici: Given correct play by Black, as in the digrams " tenuki" or "Shape point", how should Black handle the White invasion on the third line shown in both digrams: "Invasion" and " tenuki" ?
Bill: Velobici, I see that nobody has posted an answer yet. I showed this to a U. S. 5-dan the other night, and we discussed it a little. Afterwards I said, "Aren't 5-dans supposed to know this kind of thing?" ;-)
Well, I cannot provide a definitive answer, but you need some help. So let me give my immediate reactions.
My first imression is that is a mistake. Black is too strong on the left for an invasion this deep. Normally I would expect something like the standard keshi with the shoulder strike at a.
My plan is simple. Enclose . White can probably live, but at the cost of playing at b, which loses the big cut at c, and giving me a strong wall to work with the rest of Black's moyo.
The kosumi, , is my first thought. may be better, but I know is solid and will lead to a strong wall. Also, attachments tend to lead to more variations. I have an advantage; I want to keep it simple.
I suspect that would be better at a, but that would not be consistent with the invasion. White plays before - , because later Black might not respond at . - is a standard sequence.
It looks like White can live with - . This looks pretty bad for White.
There are still some sticky questions. How strong is White's threat at a? Should Black continue now with Bb - Wc? That strengthens Black on the left but loses territory on the right.
The answers, I think, lie with the rest of the board, which we cannot see.