Fuseki pages
Table of contents |
Overview of fuseki patterns
- Overview of fuseki patterns
- Fuseki Reference in the Go Teaching Ladder
- in the past we have tried to maintain a fuseki reference. The page is still there as a warning.
Other Fuseki-related pages
- General Opening Principles
- Enclosures and Unusual enclosures
- Joseki
- Side patterns
- Global joseki
- Choice of corner opening plays
- More thoughts about fuseki
- Strange Openings
- Split fuseki
- Tenuki fuseki
- Openings reviewed with AI
Discussion pages about Fuseki
- Changing Fuseki Dogmas
- Opening to middle game transition
- Fuseki Trends in professional play
- Miai in the Fuseki
- New Fuseki Era
- Fuseki Experiments
- Number of Different Fuseki
- Common Mistakes in fuseki
- What Grade Is This Fuseki - from Otake Hideo's Fuseki Theory.
- On Big Question Mark fuseki issues are the themes of BQM9, BQM10, BQM26 and BQM28
- Is Parallel Fuseki optimal?
- Here's some Fuseki Advice That Holigor Finds Useful.
- Opinions on automatic invasion at the 3-4 point.
- The debate on No Plan In The Opening
- A lot of advice on Plays Against Low Chinese Opening
- The issue of High Vs Low Pincer
- Handicap Fuseki Questions
- Stanley Style Go
- Some basic tips for fuseki
- John Fairbairn's Shin Fuseki Post
- Fixed stone placements
- Ancient Fuseki In Old China
Fuseki Exercises
Some pointers outside of SL
- Charles Matthews' Learn Go at Mindzine is probably the best material on the fuseki on the web - highly recommended! --Jan: This page has been moved to Jan van der Steen's site. --Anonymous: Original page is available and does not require registration at gobase.org.
- Fuseki Info contains fuseki and joseki trees, game records and statistics for each move.
- Fuseki Info for KGS Go Server contains fuseki and joseki trees, game records, Games was played on KGS Go Server.
- The Main Principles of a Glorious Opening — a video course on the basics of playing fuseki on Go Magic.