Fuseki pages
Table of contents |
Overview of fuseki patterns
- Overview of fuseki patterns
Fuseki Reference in the Go Teaching Ladder
- in the past we have tried to maintain a fuseki reference. The page is still there as a warning.
Other Fuseki-related pages
- General Opening Principles
- Enclosures and Unusual enclosures
- Joseki
- Side patterns
- Global joseki
- Choice of corner opening plays
- More thoughts about fuseki
- Strange Openings
- Split fuseki
- Tenuki fuseki
- Openings reviewed with AI
Discussion pages about Fuseki
- Changing Fuseki Dogmas
- Opening to middle game transition
- Fuseki Trends in professional play
- Miai in the Fuseki
- New Fuseki Era
- Fuseki Experiments
- Number of Different Fuseki
- Common Mistakes in fuseki
- What Grade Is This Fuseki - from Otake Hideo's Fuseki Theory.
- On Big Question Mark fuseki issues are the themes of BQM9, BQM10, BQM26 and BQM28
- Is Parallel Fuseki optimal?
- Here's some Fuseki Advice That Holigor Finds Useful.
- Opinions on automatic invasion at the 3-4 point.
- The debate on No Plan In The Opening
- A lot of advice on Plays Against Low Chinese Opening
- The issue of High Vs Low Pincer
- Handicap Fuseki Questions
- Stanley Style Go
- Some basic tips for fuseki
- John Fairbairn's Shin Fuseki Post
- Fixed stone placements
- Ancient Fuseki In Old China
Fuseki Exercises
Some pointers outside of SL
- Charles Matthews'
Learn Go at Mindzine is probably the best material on the fuseki on the web - highly recommended! --Jan: This page has been moved to
Jan van der Steen's site. --Anonymous: Original page is available and does not require registration at gobase.org.
Fuseki Info contains fuseki and joseki trees, game records and statistics for each move.
Fuseki Info for KGS Go Server contains fuseki and joseki trees, game records, Games was played on KGS Go Server.
The Main Principles of a Glorious Opening — a video course on the basics of playing fuseki on Go Magic.