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Table of contents |
Contributions (Selection)
- BlindGo
- GoPrograms
- Byoyomi / Discussion
- DiagonalJump
- EndUserLicenseAgreements
- GaijinDiaries
- GenerateDiagramFromSGF
- GoEtiquette
- HowDiagramsWork
- JapaneseGoTermHelpPage
- MetaDiscussion
- Miai values list / Discussion
- Miniban
- PleaseReviewMe
- SGFOrganizer
- SL Conventions / CamelCase Discussion
- WikiVandal
- YinYangPrinciple
- /All I need to know I learned from Go
Pages of Interest
These include pages I like, pages I don't understand, pages I'm observing and pages I'm planning to edit.
- Wiki News
- GuidedTours
- Estimating The Score
- Handheld Software
- Pages for Beginners
- Miai Counting
- Miai values list / Discussion
- Reverse Sente
- Komaster, Komonster
- MAsterdam (nice links for metrics, terms)
- Go Computings Future Article
- ExtensionFromAWall
- Good Empty Triangle
- HowToRememberYourGamesDiscussion
- MetaDiscussion - Ashley's proposal of icons, and maybe add sound?
- JapaneseRules - doesn't actually list them
- StrangeProOpening2
- Playing Check List
Lobbies and Reference
- Reference Section
- Coffee Machine
- Messages to people currently present in the Library
- Library Lobby
- Metadiscussion
- GuineaPigsFeedback (For technical issues)
- FutureUseOfSL
- BigQuestionMark
Eye Shape
- Eye shape, Eye space - Discussion
- From inside: Nakade
- From outside (as in JGroup): ??
- DieterVerhofstadt/IdeasOnGoTheory
- GorobeisGoProgram/Introduction
- DoorGroup ("White refutes it by reducing Black's eye shape with ")
- Thin vs light
- Wildlife Terms
- JapaneseGoTerms
- Japanese Go Terms / Discussion
- JapaneseGoTermHelpPage
- Japanese Go Terms / Overused and Underused
- NamingExtensionsJumpsAndPincers
- UsingJapaneseTermsWhenYouDonTKnowWhatTheyMean
- UserCreatedGoSlang
- Variants
- Alak - propose variant of variant with "life stones"
- Might be worth a try: Simultaneous Capture, Goof, Impartial Go, Balanced Go, Paper and Pencil Go, Alak, Go Life Game, Tenuki Go.[4]
- Maybe good for teaching: Onboard Go[4], Forced Takeback Go
- Goal Go (with secret goals, being allowed to write one's own goals. Each goal gets assessed by a neutral third player.) - these could be great handicaps!
- Life stones: A number of (clear glass) stones are distributed around the board, e.g. one on every corner. These count as one liberty and can not be taken from the board.
- Neurotic Go
- Treasure Go[4] - with harder to gain treasures, such as single eyes.
- ... and of course Euclidean Go
Ongoing Games
[4] from
Other stuff and other sites
- Lessons In The Fundamentals Of Go - buy someday
- HeavyVersusOverconcentrated
Recommended in The Book of Go:
Stuff I'd enjoy playing with
- Go gems. From the picture, my favorite is the red jasper. But I probably shouldn't pick such a martian color if I want to keep a cool head.
I still have trouble getting caught up in moves that give me gote. Here are some articles that might help me:
- Do not defend territories open on two sides
- Respond to attachment with hane - explanation next to "Another possible continuation?"
My proverbs
"Proverb" is probably a bit presumptuous for these. But these are observations that seem to work for me at the time. So, "you" means really "me". (I could say, tongue in cheek: Following these proverbs will probably get you to 20k soon, whatever level you're at currently.)
- You can't monkey jump when you have only 2 liberties. (11.04.11)
- When your house is on fire, you can only go hunting when the house you're attacking is bigger, or at least when your opponent thinks so and you can leave in sente. (11.04.11)
- Your opponent's move is not your best move if it makes you heavy. Then, play next to it to be able to catch your opponent if he plays there. (11.04.12)