
    Keywords: Joseki, SL description

Moved from Opening systematic classification.

mAsterdam: 38 Basic Joseki p 43 recommends B5 in this situation.

Joseki A 1-5  

Joseki A 1-10  

Joseki A 11-12  

And W10, not at B1:

in order to prevent B1, B3:

Later, after joseki error  

The writers continue: "This simple joseki, which is a favorite with the famous professional player Sakata, can occur not only as shown in the corner, but anywhere along the side of the board, so its basic moves are well worth learning. (my emphasis, mA)

(Two points: firstly this in a sense is a point about shape rather than joseki, a tricky distinction but a real one, I think. Secondly, not an absolute rule in shape: there are few enough of those. Charles)[01]
I have also seen tsuke-nobi along the side. This suggests that a systematic categorization should take the relations between the stones as a foundation, not their absolute location on the board. Only the class of joseki using essential corner properties gets caught by building a catalog on absolute locations.

Charles Surely a bit too sweeping; but there is a kernel of an idea there.

[01] mAsterdam: I planned to copy the above diagrams to 38 basic joseki as a first example, but now Charles made these remarks I don't understand in this context. Charles - BTW thanks for the corrections -, could you please elaborate?

(Sebastian:) Hmm, this page really looks like it should rather be part of a joseki discussion than keep the title "translational patterns". What do others think?

BQM544 last edited by Sebastian on December 5, 2004 - 11:04
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