BQM 340

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BQM340 attack from game.


I was reviewing a game I played as white and won by about 10 moku when I found this little attack. If nothing else, I think it helps B break into the center, and if white responds incorrectly, puts the entire white position on the top in jepordy. What do you think?

zinger: I think white just connects, and black+circle hasn't accomplished much. In fact the exchange looks like it helps white to me. True, black can jump in at a or b and connect one way or the other; but he could do that anyway, without peeping. I think black+circle at c would have been better.

Velobici: Agree with zinger. How did this position arise? white+circle appears strangely placed, no?

LukeNine45: Make that three of us. If Black plays c, he's got very little aji in his framework. White's formation (bottom and left) looks easier to invade, and white has a weak group to worry about, so I think black should have an easy game. (After Black c, if White invades at d Black should find it easy to arrange a splitting attack). The points e and f also look big (border of two moyos).

zinger: I'm not sure I agree about black having an easy game. Black's formation in the top left looks overconcentrated, and yet has not really secured the corner territory - what if white attaches at the 3-3 point? White's distribution on the bottom and left looks more efficient. On the other hand, white's top side group is a nagging weakness. I think it is a fair game.

LukeNine45: I was assuming white can't successfully invade there. If white can, then I think it must be close to an even game (and that Black should have played differently there). Also, all my statements only carry a 3 kyu warranty...

unkx80: I cannot say that black+circle is a bad move, but it isn't that good either. White simply connects.

Overall, Black looks cramped. On the right side, the black+square stone don't seem so well placed, especially when White decides to play at g (it might be better to cut first then play g, but maybe not).

Better to play B1 first?  

Alex: I agree with everything that's been said above, but if you really want to peep at B3, wouldn't it be better to play B1-W2 first? After all, W would not answer B1 at W2 after connecting.

Of course, the problem is that White is under less pressure to connect after the B1-W2 exchange and may fight back or simply ignore the peep.

(P.S.: Zinger, I'd be very surprised if W could live at 3-3 in the top left... Black's too strong in the vicinity, he can start attacking the eyespace right away because White can't escape) zinger: I was thinking of it as aji for later, when or if white has more stones in the area. Then there might be a ko or something. Anyway the shape looks disturbing to me - the stone on the 6-4 point really looks like it should be on the 5-3 point.

Bill: I think that W2 here would be better at W4.

BQM 340 last edited by Bill on February 28, 2007 - 23:02
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