BQM 291

    Keywords: Question

Baduk Made Fun and Easy [ext] Lesson 38 shows the following sequence as joseki:

From Baduk Made Fun and Easy Lesson 38  

Baduk Made Fun and Easy [ext] Lesson 38 shows the diagram's sequence as joseki.

Do Korean professionals prefer to play B5 immediately without first playing at a in the corner followed by White b, B7, W8 and only then at the point of B5 ? I was under the impression Black playing a was an important point.

erislover Some minor additional comment on this joseki... After the a/b exchange, Essential Joseki suggests that black must push along the side before your B5 else white can descend, aiming at the a or b hane in the diagram that follows. Without that exchange white's hane at b is a failure so it seems the order of B5/B7 is not critical.

Essential Joseki comment  

HolIgor: If B5 then white can choose the following joseki. It is good for black since he ends in sente, but white is not bad either being almost settled. The choice for either of the players depends on the wholeboard position.

White has an option.  

Dave: If you look at data on professional play, this alternative W6 became the preferred response to B5 around the mid 1980's. There are very few examples of the so-called basic joseki these days. Beyond that the original pincer at B1 is out of fashion with the pro's. When I looked at Baduk Made Fun and Easy it seems like a very superficial introduction and no serious student is going to get anything from the joseki colums at least.

BQM 291 last edited by Dieter on July 5, 2008 - 12:48
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