BQM 351

    Keywords: Question

Imagist: I am working through the problems on this [ext] TOM page. So far it looks like all the problems are black to play, but I want to be sure that I'm doing the problems correctly. The titles are in Chinese, and it looks like SL doesn't have a page on Chinese for go books, so I'm stuck. Does anybody know what the chinese characters on these pages are saying?

Note: The link above is the index link; the actual problems are on pages like [ext] this.

unkx80: After clicking on a few pages, I think all problems are black to play. In addition, you can also click on the problem diagram, this brings out a style Java applet where you can check your answer, but the Chinese characters on the applet doesn't render correctly for me.

You may want to check out Chinese Go terms for the moment...

Velobici: Use Chinese Go Terms....for instance problem 541, the Chinese in the center above the problems contains "(全部黑先)". The 黑先 means "Black first" or "Black to play". "全部" means "whole, entire, complete". Putting these together one gets: "全部黑先" or "Black to play in all problems". Use [ext] Yellow Bridge to aid with translation.

Imagist: Cool, if they are all black to play, then I can just download all the .gif images to view them locally. Thanks for your help.

Herman Hiddema: A Chinese friend also recommended these to me. He told me that in each set, problems in the left column are 1d problems, those in the middle column 3d problems and those in the right column 5d problems.

Black to play  

Bill: I think the difficulty varies, then. For instance, this is nice, but is not a dan level problem.

Herman Hiddema: Yes, very true. I think his remark only applies to the problems in the first problem set (life and death numbered 1-541 as of 25 April 2007), with the second one containing easier ones (tesuji numbered 1-122 as of 25 April 2007)

BQM 351 last edited by Dieter on July 5, 2008 - 12:49
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