BQM 591
Hi SL,
My last game's opponent was quite creative and raised an seemingly interesting problem.
In the game White first had a rather good result as she created a long L group (Black can create a ten thousand year ko) and Black had a bothersome cutting point. However, she then answered poorly and died anyway.
xela: If you play the 4-4 point and it ends with your opponent taking territory, this should be expected! The results below are actually pretty good for black because of the influence gained.
So the question is, how to avoid this sequence and get a better result ?
xela: No need to avoid it. Play black a next and feel happy :-)
(This other crude play doesn't work either, White lives unconditionally.)
edit: Oh, actually it seems to lead to a ko.
xela: See tripod group for why - is a bad idea (the stones -- are the tripod shape). Again, saying "doesn't work" is the wrong message. Black gets to seal white in. It works.
White can live unconditionally by omitting the fifth and sixth moves.
White gets to take first but Black risks much less than in the usual ko.
Any better suggestions ?
Locally White cannot make two eyes after 1 below. So it depends on the surrounding position. Can White jump to 7 with 6 or attach at 9 with 8, threatening to connect to the outside?
Probably the original post starts from the assumption that this enclosure should be able to claim territory. This is wrong: a 3-3 invasion is bound to succeed in one way or another and the result shown, where White is fully surrounded into the corner, with small life is the best result for Black.
Even this double enclosure is not fireproof territory, especially if there are supporting stones at the marked spots for the invasion.