
    Keywords: Opening, Tactics, Question
Tricky corner  

Bill: My opponent surprised me, first with B7, then with B9. What now?

Alex Weldon: I would play at a without hesitation, giving my opponent split shape and making all his stones look weirdly placed. However, you are stronger than I am, so if this corner is confusing you, there must be some sneaky play he can make that I'm not seeing. If he plays simply, at b, then W c looks like enough to me.

Bill: I played at a after great hesitation, and Black played at b. After the game I reflected that, although B7 is hurting, similar sacrifices are made all the time to invade the corner. I have the feeling that I could have done better.

Bob McGuigan: After deleting W6 and B7 the white a black b exchange results in a shape that occurs in a joseki for the outside attachment on the 5-4 approach stone. If that joseki result is locally equal we have to think about whether the presence of the W6 and B7 stones helps or hurts either player.

IanDavis: I'd prefer playing at b myself.

Tricky corner  

kokiri B1 was my instinctive response also, but up to W4, i'm not loving black's position. Can black play B5 at a?

Tricky corner  
No ladder  

Bill: White can attack strongly with W1, W3, and W5. Unfortunately, black+circle breaks the ladder. After B10 White is not so happy.

Dieter's first idea  

This could be honte or soft. White is connected. Black's marked stone is hurt, his corner unsettled. I can't see how White can get into trouble after this sequence but maybe it is too mild. So, ...

Dieter's second idea  

W1 is more severe and may be interesting idea.

BQM154 last edited by Dieter on July 5, 2008 - 12:47
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