BQM 30
I (IGS 2k*) played a five-stone handicap game against a local 5 dan, and he decided to play a rather nasty move in a corner sequence. I could of course have chosen a simpler variation myself, but his move was a real curve ball (although anything outside Ishida is always hard for me). We briefly analyzed the corner after the (very short :) game, but couldn't really come up with anything good for Black.
Now I am thinking of something like Black a to protect against the cut and the ladder, and perhaps at b to threaten to capture the marked stones.
But the move order (and the right moves as well :) is not clear. It is clear that in the previous diagram was bad - I knew it when I played it, but couldn't really figure out anything better either.
Any ideas anyone? (Or preferably a clearcut solution :)
I analyzed the position a bit more myself and and came to a conclusion, that Black must cut, since in the (Ishida) joseki variations White defends the cutting point.
After these moves it looks like Black has to sacrifice the stones?
Corner life and death is not my forte, so...
(White plays to reduce the number of liberties of the three black stones).
I fail to see how Black could live with the stones, so perhaps the following is best Black can do. At least he is very thick.
Funny how the mind works, now I see the interesting move of , and who knows where that will lead...aaargh... I guess I'll never be more than a 2k*...
Ah, this seems to be the best for Black, and bad for White. Finally. I have come to this conclusion but unfortunately the full solution is too long to be included in the margin and it is already past 3 a.m. local time, so perhaps I'll just say that I came to the 2k* conclusion that White cannot now play at b; and a gives Black a magnificent result. Work out the variations by yourself, I am too tired.
I don't see what 'magnificent result' you are seeing after .
There are a few variations here, but all of them end with White capturing the three stones, and Black having more cutting points than he can handle.
What is wrong with the simple solid connection?
Sazn: This is a Trick play used in handicap games a lot.
(Robert Pauli: Straightened out numbering and cut off right side.)
Robert Pauli: ?
could be at
right away.
one lower would prevent geta on the outside, even if
it suffers from White coming in at 2-2 later.