BQM 466
Tapir has some questions about the endgame:
- Do you remember your endgame correctly? (Since when.)
- If one remembers the local moves and the result but not the sequence, what does it mean?
- Related to the last question: Is tewari analysis useful to analyse endgame play?
- How do you play endgame? (Besides the obvious but difficult to handle themes like mutual damage.)
- Do you simply know the bigger moves and play them, how do you count during endgame, do you calculate values... (I remember somewhere on SL the local CGT guy admits that he is playing the endgame instinctively.)
- No, I usually can't remember the move order past about move 150.
- No idea what it "means".
- Don't think so: tewari is about measuring efficiency, which is about potential for future development. For endgame, the future doesn't exist; you can just count the points here and now for an accurate answer.
- Too big a question, I've no idea where to start answering!
- Usually I have an intuition for what's "big" (eight points up) vs what's "small". If there's only one big move it's an easy choice. Big moves tend to be hard to count, so if there's lots of big moves then it's a curious blend of intuition and vague counting, depending on how much time I have. Once it gets down to the small moves I count like crazy unless it's blitz, or unless I think I'm way ahead and get lazy.