Baduk Made Fun And Easy

This is a set of columns being written for the [ext] Korea Times, giving an introduction to the game of Baduk. The author of these columns is Nam Chi-hyeong.

The author has published the columns as two books as well, also called Baduk Made Fun And Easy. The Korea Times has an article called [ext] "Complicacy of Baduk Easily Decoded in New Book" about the book.

The columns are available from [ext] The Korea Times Baduk page.

There is also an RSS feed listed on the Feeds page.

Because the box to link these articles is small and older links may be lost, the links to all articles are also below:

all above links are broken. (The Korea Times uses now another domain and all old lessons are gone)

unkx80: You may be able to retrieve some of them via the [ext] Internet Archive.

(I am also archiving these locally to avoid what happened with The Magic of Go Yomiuri Shimbun)


Lessons 1-86 can be found via here [ext] (Dead, on 3/15/14)


ChiyoDad: Thanks for your initiative on this Malweth. The Korea Times has not created a specific subfolder for these articles so listing them individually (and storing them) is the best current action.

RiffRaff: In a circular reference, the very first column ([ext] How Baduk Went International) actually refers to Sensei's Library as a source for the early history of Go in the Western world.

Steve: This column uses unusual names for the unsettled eye shapes introduced in column # 9. Specifically, she uses "Flowery Four" for the farmer's hat, "Flowery Five" for the cross shape, and "Flowery Six" for the rabbity six. To confuse issues, he calls the bulky five the "Rabbity Five".

anonymous: The shape has always been known in Japanese as hana roku, literally flower six. "Rabbity" is a neologism by James Davies that has caught on because of its use in his book Life and Death. Never heard of "flower five", though.

bitti: Yeah, seems like they used Contemporary Go Terms as a reference which has some mistakes in this respect.

RiffRaff: Unfortunately, it appears that they use the same size image for all types of game diagrams in the web site. This is fine for small local positions, but diagrams like these:

are obviously hopeless. I fear this will be more and more of an issue over time, as the columns begin to cover more advanced topics. I sent e-mail to and detailing this problem. There were other e-mail addresses listed as being for the webmaster, but they did not work (mailbox full or user unknown).

RiffRaff: Regarding the above, I received a response from Kim Ki-tae (staff reporter) that said they would do their best to sort out the problem. Based on the (greatly enlarged) diagrams in this week's column ([ext] Lesson 26: The Opening (4)), it looks like they've succeeded.

Mark Wirdnam: "Baduk Made Fun And Easy". Easy! Of all the things to call it...

Chris Kubica: I asked the author how to get these articles collected and she said she is trying to publish it as a book. Anyone know someone who is interested?

It appears that the book has been published:


Rocky: I have been getting it from the Korea Times website & their latest change has messed that up. I ordered the book through Amazon yesterday (20 May 2007) w/2-4 weeks for delivery.

golearner: Is there somewhere to find answers to the given questions? I'm having a little trouble with Diagram 4 in Lesson 102. I tried registering at the site, but when I logged in I got an http error.

Baduk Made Fun And Easy last edited by on January 14, 2022 - 09:37
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