BQM 94

  Difficulty: Advanced   Keywords: MiddleGame, Question

Time to read "Attack and Defense" again?

Two-stone handicap on KGS, White to play, but doesn't know where...  

Mark Wirdnam This seems like the position where the knowledge (which I don't have) from reading Attack and Defense - the book would come in very handy. I'm happy to have sente, and to be able to do something against the black thickness which has been growing steadily. I also believe I've been able to equalize the handicap already (other judgements on this issue?).

In the game I immediately dismissed a or thereabouts as being too modest.
I spent a while considering b, thinking that it tries to counter the completion of a big black framework.
In the end I decided it wouldn't do the job well enough. So I started to look for a good move smack in the middle of the board. This I find very difficult. Except for tengen, which has a big dot on it, I don't know where to start looking, because I don't know which sequences leading into the middle of the board could possibly occur in a big space like this.
I ended up playing c, which acts towards some possible cutting of the black position. Buts it's definitely too close to the black thickness. I think it was a mistake, but still don't know what a better move would have been.
Would something like d have been best, maybe?
It would be great to see a discussion on this, thanks! -Mark

Charles First, I think Black is ahead on thickness, to the extent that White has problems.

White holds on tight  

Suppose W1 is played - reasonable looking at the overall position in broad terms. Then I think B2 is important.

In fact I believe in the initial position White's play at b is more like the right idea: try to make Black's upper wall a weak group. But the tactics around B2 are important here.

White comes out  

This potential double atari may be the most significant tactic around the board. It combines with the White b chance.

White doesn't come out  

Obviously if Black can get in the black+circle/white+circle exchange first, it makes a big difference.

The other jump out  

This way, too.

Thank you, Charles. It seemed to me during the game - and now that I've read your sequences I still think so - that White can't move into the center from the top left. That was why I was looking for a move coming from the whitish bottom (expanding my framework while reducing Black's).

Charles Actually I thought the point is that White must, immediately.

Jump out at a cost...  

Mark: Here's what I could come up with. Jumping out gives Black a large corner, but come to think of it, why not? Next instead of connecting with a maybe straight to "plan b"?

Charles Next at a isn't quite right. Reading exercise: how to make the best use of the white+circle stones.

Mark: "update: in this paragraph I missed the atari, so the sequence shown doesn't make any sense..." I dont' know what you mean. I can see


and also that after playing a from below Black can't connect, or the white stones suddenly come back to life. But that ends up being the same thing.
Now: if Black really gets the corner, then I need to decide whether it's worthwhile to crawl out anyway or not. It looks interesting actually. But if it isn't, then I'm back to thinking about a play from the bottom.
I wonder what I'm missing!

Charles That's rather clearly worse than White starting at the circled point, from the point of view of a squeeze on the black+circle stones.

Jump out at a cost...  

DaveSigaty: It seems to me that if B2 is exchanged for W3, White can play atari with W5 here and capture B4.

Jump out at a cost...  

Dave: So the immediate cut at B2 here may be better. White plays W5 and W7 to keep sente after W9. After Black captures the corner in gote, who stands better?

Mark: Yes, I think you got the order right, cut at B2 immediately.
But until now no one has decided whether this exchange is any good :-)!
I like the positive attitude it displays (have the big corner, you won't be getting much more from now on...), and it inspires ideas for continuations. The main problem I had with the alternative was precisely the absence of continuation ideas.

Charles Dave's intervention seems to have undermined my idea of using this as a source of reading material, more in the way of Tesuji the book than Attack and Defense - the book, I'd say. But are we done here yet?

Jump out at a cost...  

I was interested in the play W2 here, both in the previous context, and now assuming the white+square/black+square exchange.

JoelR: Interesting... I wonder if the sacrifice of W2 here helps.

Jump out at a cost...  

BQM 94 last edited by on May 7, 2004 - 20:18
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