BQM 462

    Keywords: Question

Fernobob: Playing as white, I was recently faced with the following invasion. I tried W1 because it looked like an unreasonable invasion, but after moves 1 to 8, it seems to be alive. I've looked around for other moves that might work, but can't find any. I always thought that this was a fairly secure shape and feel that it shouldn't have lived. Is there any way to kill it, or at least end up with a slightly better outcome?

Andy: Not recommended, but if you really have to kill, white play at circle seems to do the job.

The shape of the three white stones have a name, or a least a page, at SL...anyone remember what it is called so that we might link the pages ?


Point of symmetry  

Bill: W2 is on a point of symmetry. Now, as Andy Pierce says, Black cannot live inside. Note that W8 is necessary to give White another liberty if Black cuts on this side.

White wins the semeai  

Bill: Note that W2 and W6 give White an extra liberty, which enables White to win the semeai. Note also that Black gets something in exchange for losing the invaders.

BQM 462 last edited by Dieter on March 31, 2009 - 11:56
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