Stefan Verstraeten

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I am Stefan Verstraeten, born in [ext] Belgium in 1971. I bluff my way through the go world pretending to be a [ext] Euro 2 kyu.

Go discovered me in September 1994. I picked up Iwamoto's beginners book and never looked back. The real fun started in early 1995, when I convinced my best friend Dieter Verhofstadt that his life would become magical and wonderful if he became a go addict too. The fun was over when he started beating me (that was two games later). I've been trying to catch up with him ever since.

When you bump into '[ext] Jazz' on [ext] IGS or arthur on [ext] KGS, be aware that it's me and feel free to invite me for a game, regardless of your rank. Don't be shy. Really! I don't mind at all playing a 5 dan every now and then.

Apart from go, most of my time goes to my family and to running. You can use this [email] e-mail address for private communication.

Stefan Verstraeten last edited by on May 12, 2014 - 20:41
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