Icepick: On Table building, it was suggested that Black should cut at either point a in this type of shape:
seems like the only reply to , as the whole point of was to cut, and throwing away the two Black stones go against that.
The ladder on didn't work, so continuing with a wasn't apealing.
I ended up treating lightly and hoping it would be useful later.
My opponent and I discussed this afterwards, and came to the conclusion that in the first diagram was sub-par, even though it makes a pretty shape. Either or at a would have been better.
unkx80: Two comments. Surely is better in the last diagram, but I guess the hane of looks like an overplay?
Andrew Grant: OK, I realise you wanted to try out the table shape, but really the a-b and c-d exchanges only serve to strengthen White. Just playing is good enough. If White answers at c the white area is still only a moyo, nothing to panic about - depending on the outside position a reduction at e may be feasible, for instance. Just because your sequence makes a good shape it doesn't make it best.
Bill: To second what Andrew says, suppose that you had already made the one space jump. Now you would not play the following exchange.
Here is another idea for Black's play, though it is a bit advanced, and that is to make a probe in the corner and base your play on the side on White's response.[1]
If extends, Black can jump at . Now, even if , Black has some aji in the corner. If - first, White would not respond to at .
If White protects the corner with and , Black has some aji on the side to use against White's lone stone.
Black can turn the corner on White with - . White cannot respond too strongly, because of the aji of the stones.
And in the while-we-are-at-it department, Black's initial extension was too close.[2]
Black should extend all the way to . Now is small, and Black can be satisfied with . If White plays elsewhere, Black threatens to extend to a.
[1] Compare with the page Reduce high enclosure.
[2] There are reasons why this side formation isn't common; but the data bear out Bill's comment that in the second diagram of the page is an underplay. Charles