3-4 point high approach one-space low pincer

PageType: Path   Difficulty: Advanced   Keywords: Joseki

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The 3-4 point high approach one-space low pincer is the most common pincer played in response to the one-space high approach, and frequently used before the AI era. It is known to some as the “dogleg”, a name apparently introduced by the people behind GoGod. Numerous complicated variations arise from this position, many of which involve tesuji that have been gradually discovered over the years, causing periodic trends in the most popular variations, whereas other variations have become outdated. Due to its nuanced complexity, it is frequently misplayed by amateur players, even at the dan level, and it remains popular among amateurs in the AI era despite the fact that many professionals believe that the pincer is more favorable for White if the joseki is played correctly.

The one-space low pincer cedes territory in the corner in exchange for (A) two weaker positions on both sides, or (B) a position facing the top side.

The territory lost from this pincer can be understood as the opportunity cost from opting not to the play the attach-drawback joseki, which would give Black a 15-point corner in sente. Given the contemporary emphasis on corner profit and territory, many professionals (and strong AI programs) prefer a large corner over the pincer variations.

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Moves are listed by frequency in professional games[1], which is sensitive to whole-board position. Bolded moves are commonly considered joseki today.

3-4 point, 5-4 approach, one-space low pincer, separate 3-4 point, high approach, one-space low pincer, 3-3 attachment 3-4 point, 5-4 approach, one-space low pincer, thrust 3-4 point, 5-4 approach, one-space low pincer, moving out 3-4 point high approach one-space low pincer, one space jump 3-4 point high approach one-space low pincer, tenuki
One-Space Low Pincer  

Overview of Joseki

3-3 Attachment

Fighting A.  
Fighting B.  

Separate Black

Disrupt Moyo


PJT (2019-09-27): How come dog-leg is an alias for this page? I see nothing about dog-legs here!

Bill: Me, neither.

PJT (2019-09-30): I see in Dogleg Four/ Discussion that Charles says “you can blame the GoGod people for” this alias, which at least sheds a dim light on the matter. This name is also mentioned in Pincer Path and Named Joseki: it evidently really has been used as a nickname.

Tenuki is not advised


3-4 point high approach one-space low pincer last edited by 2001:b011:e011:baad on November 3, 2024 - 15:53
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