
    Keywords: Question

I'm white. I invaded at san-san because the area around it was becoming too big for black and I didn't see a better spot to invade.

The sequence starts with the marked white stone. I think that up to W4, I'm doing okay, but W6 was probably a mistake.

White to live  

Can white live, starting from, say, B5? If so, how?

HolIgor: I don't see how it can live after B5. I don't see how white can live without support.

JoelR: I'm curious why W4 is played so close. My try would be to play at B5; is there an obvious refutation? I have the same question about one of the plays from 44-63 Enclosure, see [1].

Imagist: According to 38 Basic Joseki, the correct way to invade this enclosure is W1.

Slightly more chances  

This, for example, seems to live if black has to play B7. If black plays an atari after W4, then fight ko, there is a chance to break through. Actually, such corner invasions depend very much on the surrounding stones, where the support is, which moves are forcing, what kind of semeai is available. One has to practice tsume go and read it out each time it is on the board.

Icepick: I think that white can get a ko:

Ko for life  

Dieter: See also 44-63 Enclosure

[1] JoelR: I lifted this diagram from 44-63 enclosure. Charles says White's follow-ups are at a and b, again, what is worse about c?

Ignoring the ko  

Icepick: This double atari makes things harder for White.


BQM148 last edited by Dieter on July 5, 2008 - 12:47
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