Dieter Verhofstadt

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About me

As a person

I'm a Dutch speaking Belgian, born in 1971. I have been working in the ICT industry, with a brief interruption as a math teacher. Besides Go, I have been playing music in several bands as a singer and guitar player, I have played table tennis competitively. Over the past 20 years I helped out my partner raising her two daughters. In 2022 we have been so happy to see the advent of the next generation.

You can send me messages at first name dot last name at gmail.

As a go player

I learned to play Go in 1995, together with Stefan Verstraeten. We immediately decided that having a club would be the best way to improve. The club is still [ext] there.

I play on KGS as Artevelde, OGS as Knotwilg and Foxy as Fumay. My Shusaku number is 5: Dieter - Miyazawa Goro - Kitani Minoru - Honinbo Shusai - Iwasaki Kenzo - Honinbo Shusaku.

I've been a low dan since 2002. My interest and activity in Go tends to go up and down a lot. Go is something that I always gravitate to but that has never been as fulfilling as other pastimes, like physical sports or playing music.

As a Sensei's Librarian

Since Sensei's Library has started back in 2000, I have been a regular contributor. I've seen SL weathering many storms and growing in interest, thanks to the Go community but also thanks to the spirit of the administrators. I have also witnessed its decline, probably due to a lack of sgf-integration and the resulting shift of the (small) active community to L19. Occasionally I still do some library work here.

Things I've written here

Articles about learning and improving

Articles about my own path

Other articles

Things I've read here

If you want to read anything on Sensei's Library, read this

Noteworthy techniques

Other pages I fancy at SL


Dieter Verhofstadt last edited by Dieter on January 12, 2024 - 11:06
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