User Preferences


Preferences work by sending a cookie to your browser. The cookie is set to expire in one year.


Username[1]: The username has to be a valid pagename, otherwise it will not be used. Basically this means: characters A-Z, digits 0-9 (no spaces allowed).
Persistent login: If checked, persistent login leaves you permanently logged in (for one year) until you explicitly log out. If unchecked, you are logged out when you close your browser. Use this at your home computer, but not at public terminals.
or This creates a new account with the username and password you have entered above.
or This only works, if you have set your email address.


Font:The font you select has to be available on your system to take effect.
Font size:The overall font size.
Content font size:The font size of the actual page content, compared to top and side bars, navigation aids etc.
Show comments: If enabled, comments in the wiki source will be shown. Otherwise they can only be seen while editing a page.
Community ads: If unchecked, then no ads will be shown in the left hand column.
Default diff view:
Text area columns:
Text area rows:
Default for MinorEdit: If checked, the minoredit checkbox is checked per default when editing a page.
Wiki experience level[2]:If you are an experienced deshi, some additional options are available to you.

[1] The UserName will show up in RecentChanges and at the bottom of each page as the user who last edited the page. If the corresponding page exists within SL (see HomePages), then your name will also be linked.

[2] For more information see: levels of access

[3] Bookmarks appear at the top in the left (yellow) side bar. They have to be valid wiki links, like the ones you put into square brackets. Hints:

  • add "RandomPage|phpwiki:?random=1" to your bookmarks.
  • add "Page info & history | phpwiki:?info=_referrer_" or "Latest page diff | phpwiki:?diff=_referrer_" to your bookmarks if you like to access these functions from the sidebar (they are also available at the bottom of every page)

[4] RecentChanges settings are only available to "experienced" deshis with an account. See /Help RecentChanges for more information.

[5] The email address is currently only used when resetting your password. It will not be sold/published anywhere. For more information see SL - privacy policy.

User Preferences last edited by ArnoHollosi on March 22, 2014 - 17:59
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