Jasonred : Hi, do I need to draw out the whole kifu and board position, or can I just post this here for discussion? Anyhow, I was wondering about Ryu Shikun's controversial match against O Rissei. Not the actual dame atari, but other points within the game itself that I didn't understand.
Move 250: Is this move bigger than capturing that 4 stone T group in the upper right? Why?
HolIgor: How? The group in the upper right cannot be captured.
W 282 : Why not play this one space to the left? Isn't that better?
HolIgor: No, sooner or later white has to capture. If he captures now, there is a possibility to make a point there yet. Black takes that point away with the next move, but if white plays at the point you suggest an additional point is not possible and black can play elsewhere.
W 290 : Why? Isn't that area already secure?
HolIgor: Just filling dame. White conceded the last last ko and just plays at the point where he will have to play anyway after all dame are filled.
W 294 : What was the purpose of this move? Doesn't it just lose white one point of territory? Or am I reading wrongly?
HolIgor: Again, sooner or later this point has to be filled. So, why not now? Had black filled yet the last point that had to be filled sooner or later he would have won.