BQM 298

    Keywords: Question
5 stone handicap  

In a 5 stone handicap game, Black chose the attach-extend joseki joseki after the first kakari. However, this is normally only perfect, if Black has a stone around a. How can white make use of this very slight error?

Bob McGuigan: It isn't really an error for Black to play this way. Some people might criticize it as too solid but I think that is a matter of taste. The expected continuation would be:

5 stone handicap  

Very (too?) solid play by White would be W8 at a, in which case Black might play at b to avoid complications. All these are "proper" moves. Of course White might take a risk by playing W8 elsewhere since it is a handicap game. And White might try other moves than W6 such as playing W6 at B7 or one point to the right of W6. In the original diagram the point marked with a circle is an important shape point for Black, so White is not likely to tenuki after B5.


Bill: The querent may have had something like this in mind. By choosing this joseki White can make the first play on the top side with W9.

Segoe discusses this continuation (albeit in a four stone game) in his Strategy Dictionary. W9 and B10 are miai, so Black's play is fine. (Segoe does prefer W9, because a Black stone there would work well with B2 , B4, and B8.)

dnerra: Maybe so, but I don't think we can talk about Black getting punished here. In fact, after seeing this sequence as the start of a handicap game, I would put my money on Black, as he found the good moves B6, B8 and B10.

Charles I doubt White can get any immediate advantage.


My instinct as White would be to play this W1. For one thing, there are two 'normal' replies, at a and b; and Black may play at a (which I think is a small loss here).

Also the main joseki line after Black at b leaves a cutting point situation. Variations at 4-4 point low approach, tsukenobi, jump attachment.

If Black is strong enough to understand the meaning of the cut at c next, you probably are going to lose anyway ...

BQM 298 last edited by on August 31, 2010 - 06:55
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