BQM 301
The most popular response for is the shimari at a. However Black chose to play an iron pillar, presumably to protect the corner. My reasoning is that by playing at a, the stone will be too close to the strong (?) black wall. In other words, playing at a would lead to overconcentration which Black didn't want to.
Is my understanding of overconcentration and my reasoning for correct?
Also, if you feel really helpful, could you give some reasonable continuations if White chooses to play at a or above? (presumably later, after White strengthen )
Thanks a lot
Agro1986 - 16k KGS
unkx80: I have no answer yet... but before any answer can be given, some simple reading or analysis is definitely required.
Observe that there is a connect-and-die with and
that connects the
stones to the inside White stones. So the
stones cannot be said to be weak for the moment.
The second aspect is whether the bottom stones can connect to the corner. By looking at the sequence from
alone, the answer is no...
However, we see now that after , a Black move at a is an atari. We now look at a transposition of these moves.
White will never be happy to connect at . With the follow-up move at a, I don't think the
stones can be said to be weak.
Since the stones are not weak, I think Black is justified to play at
, meaning that Black is not afraid of a White invasion at either a or b.
For example, if White a, then Black might look forward to a splitting attack at c.