BQM 606
The count is 5-1=4
The tally is 2: each of the plays is gote
The average of the two counts is (4+2)/2=3
The value of playing here first is 1, moving the count from 3 to 4 or to 2.
So the count of the position after Black plays first in the original diagram is 3. This is the easy part.
White plays first
When Black plays two times here, is sente, because if Black responds, the count is 3-2 = 1 if Black doesn't respond, then White captures to make the count -2 and this is worse for Black than if he hadn't played in the first place
So the count is 1 here
The tally of the previous two diagrams is 2 Hence the count of this position is the average of the counts of those positions: (1-1)/2=0
After Black can't cover, so there will be a capture - recapture; later White can block for a 1/3 ko the count is -3-1/3
playing here allows White to block, capture recapture and make another 1+1/3 which gives a count of -4-1/3 this means Black won't play and this means White has the right to play in the previous diagram
If -, the count is -2-5/6 being the sum of 1/2 for Black a -3 for White's points and -1/3 for White to take the ko.
If Black doesn't answer then we get a capture recapture (earning White a bonus point) and the next diagram
If Black takes a then we end with a count of 1-3 = -2
If White takes a she gets the right to play the ko later and the count is 0-3-1/3 = -3-1/3
The average count is -8/3 = -2-2/3
So, in retrospect it is better for Black to answer then not, in other words
Hence the count here is the average of WWBW and WWBB, which is (-2-2-5/6)/2 = -2-5/12. A move is worth 5/12.
Since the count of () was 0, the count of (W) is -1-13/24 and the miai value is 1+13/24
Result and verification
Wrapping it all up, (B) has count 3 and (W) has count -1-13/24 Hence the count of this position is 35/48 and the miai value of a is 2+13/48
In the case where Black plays first the miai value of the moves are 2+13/48 > 1
When White plays first 2+13/48 > 1+13/24 > max(1/4, 5/12)
So the explored moves are all gote.