BQM 297
kb: I am teaching several Go classes and workshops this summer within my community, and I was hoping some players could talk to me briefly on what to focus. This Friday and Tuesday I am teaching in a local middle school to several kids - about 50 minutes per class. I have an established teaching method that works well with beginners but I have never assigned homework before. My aunt and I have agreed to assign homework to these students since they are 8th graders, it's the end of the year for them, and thus they otherwise might goof off. So, the question is, given the homework should be about 10-15 minutes long and this is their first lesson (they have never played the game before), what should the homework be? The lesson will be mostly interactive playing with each other on 7x7 boards using the Stone Counting method.
Bob McGuigan: How about some simple problems involving whether stones are in atari, which stones can be captured on the next move, counting liberties, etc. ? If you only get one meeting per class then you might want to expand to counting score, ko, or life-and-death.
unkx80: Depends on what topic you teach, and how much content you covered. Questions may be as simple as "when takes the ko, can
take the ko back?" and "show possible ko positions in the center, edge and corner", or more difficult ones like "what is the value of this ko?" and "how can you capture this group via a ko?" Just some suggestions here, and use your judgement on what are suitable questions.
IanDavis: what about some crazy ladder problem?
Charles Something from the early sheets at
Bill: How about having them play a 7x7 game, make a game record, and write a few comments on the game? As long as they do the assignment, it does not matter if they make mistakes in either their play or their comments, they will learn something, anyway. :-) The assignment should also generate material and questions for the next class.
kb: Thanks for your suggestions.
Has anyone written documents about how to teach different age groups? I am experiencing difficulty teaching my uncle how to play. He's 45 and very intelligent, but has difficulties grasping the liberty and strength concepts that should make themselves known quickly in Stone Capture Go. Will I have the same problems with a 13-14 year old group?
Bill: Check out Milton Bradley.
Charles Well, you won't have the same problems with adult learners and teenagers.
Dieter: Check my page on teaching DieterVerhofstadt/Teaching Experiences, where I relate of different audiences. Not that I come even close to Milt's experience.