BQM 406

  Difficulty: Intermediate   Keywords: Opening, Joseki
Followup after sliding into the corner.  

Tapir: W3 and W5 feel horribly submissive... and I know that White can take the corner instead, but I feel it is worse than this outcome. And the corner is still open. How do you evaluate B2-W5? My problem is - my intuition says "you are pushed around here", but my knowledge "you make profit here while being pushed around".

Bill; My feeling is Thank you, thank you. Aji keshi. White has a solid position inside Black's sphere of influence, and Black still has problems, such as the weak point at a.

Tapir: I'll try to fix my intuition then...

Better way to play for black?  

Tapir: Is this better for black? That's what i would try as black... again with a bad feeling because white has taken so much profit now.

unkx80: Of course, yes! Actually W3 should be able to play at B4, Black a, White W3. But still not a lot of bad feelings because the White white+circle plus W1 stones already form a base, and the black+circle is just a lone stone. However, if you really want a stronger play, you might want to consider B2 at b, but this really depends on the surroundings not shown in this diagram...

Tapir: Ok, at least black has a stable group on the top with some territory as well... but W3 at B4 and B4 at a and W5 at W3 and B6 connecting looks awful (overconcentrated) for black... can't black resist somehow to W3 at B4?

Question 1 - Is Black in Danger?  

Dave: If Black simply takes the 3-3 point, can White counter attack in a meaningful way?

Question 2 - What does Black answer here?  

Dave: Is the slide to a too submissive for White in this position? Is the marked jump at the bottom enough to prevent White from playing into the top?

Bill: W1 was my first thought. :) But I think that what is further to the right on the top side is relevant, too.

Tapir: In my game the upper side looked like... (the black stone which jumped out (the marked one), was a weakened pincer stone but became strong after white took the lower left corner by a common approach, pincer, 3-3 invasion joseki.)

19x19 diagram  

BQM 406 last edited by tapir on March 24, 2008 - 17:39
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