Professional tournaments

PageType: Path     Keywords: Culture & History, Tournament

This page is dedicated to current professional tournaments in general, international and domestic.

  • Pro-amateur tournaments are also included in this section. For amateur-only tournaments, see Amateur Tournaments.
  • Professional tournaments which are no longer being held can be found at Obsolete Titles.
  • Information about the current events in professional tournaments may be found at [ext] Go to Everyone! (results only) or [ext] Gobase (written reports) site.

Go professionals battle it out in domestic tournaments in Japan, Korea, China or Taiwan (for which only members of the relevant domestic associations can contend), and also in international tournaments which are also usually held in one of these countries. These international tournaments often involve players from only 2 or 3 of these countries, and sometimes all 4. Some international tournaments (particularly pro-amateur tournaments) also have participants from outside these 4 countries.

See Also Professional Tournament Time Limits

Table of contents

International Tournaments

(5 or more countries, at least potentially)

(see also International Title Statistics)

(4 East Asian countries)

(3 countries)

(2 countries)

Japanese domestic tournaments

(Prize money info last updated May 2024)

See also: schedule for the seven Japanese big titles.

The URLs for the go web pages of the newspapers sponsoring the seven[1] big Japanese titles can be found at Japanese Go Column URLs

Chinese domestic tournaments

Korean domestic tournaments

kuhi?: winners prizes checked around 2022-2023 [ext] and [ext]

Taiwanese domestic tournaments

Other tournaments allowing professionals

Online leagues

[1] Hikaru No Go fans may wonder... shouldn't there be 8 big titles? Fujitsu Cup, discontinued in 2011, was sometimes counted as a major title in Japan.

Professional tournaments last edited by hnishy on June 27, 2024 - 12:58
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