Shinjin O

    Keywords: Tournament

Shinjin O (新人王, “King of the New Stars”) is a single knockout tournament in Japan sponsored by the Akahata (Red Flag) Shimbun, which is the newspaper of the Japanese Communist Party. The tournament was originally open to players 7 dan and below, who were 30 years old or younger. In 2006, it became the 'King of the New Stars U-25' tournament and the age restriction was lowered to 25 years old. Thinking time is 4 hours per player (3 hours from 2006), and the winner's prize is ¥3,280,000.

Since the end of Yamashita Keigo’s record four win streak in 2002 (although Yoda Norimoto won five times overall), the tournament had been won by a different player every year up to 2007. From 2008, the winner "graduates" from the tournament and can never participate again.

The 1992 Shinjin O final (lost to Komatsu Hideki) was one of the closest times Michael Redmond got to winning a professional tournament after his victory over Muramatsu Ryuichi in the 1985 Ryuen Cup young players’ invitational, along with the 1997 North American Masters' Tournament, which he lost 0–2 to Jiang Zhujiu.

Although Ueno Asami’s appearance in the final in 2021 was a notable achievement of women's Go in Japan, it was not the first time a woman had done this: Aoki Kikuyo did so in 1997. But when Ueno won the title in 2023, this was the first time a woman had done so.

The final is a best of 3 match.

Winners and defeated finalists
Ed. Year Winner Runner up
1st 1976 Kobayashi Koichi Nakamura Hidehito
2nd 1977 Kobayashi Koichi Cho Chikun
3rd 1978 Ishida Akira Kurahashi Shozo
4th 1979 Ishida Akira Yamashiro Hiroshi
5th 1980 Miyazawa Goro Kiyonari Tetsuya
6th 1981 O Rissei Hasegawa Sunao
7th 1982 Kataoka Satoshi Yoda Norimoto
8th 1983 Yoda Norimoto Miyazawa Goro
9th 1984 Imamura Toshiya Hashimoto Yujiro
10th 1985 Miyazawa Goro Imamura Toshiya
11th 1986 Yoda Norimoto O Rissei
12th 1987 Yoda Norimoto O Meien
13th 1988 Komatsu Hideki Narusawa Yasuichi
14th 1989 Yoda Norimoto Izumitani Hideo
15th 1990 Yoda Norimoto Yuki Satoshi
16th 1991 Cho Sonjin Ryu Shikun
17th 1992 Komatsu Hideki Michael Redmond
18th 1993 Yuki Satoshi Mimura Tomoyasu
19th 1994 Mimura Tomoyasu Yo Kagen
20th 1995 Mimura Tomoyasu Cho Sonjin
21st 1996 Takao Shinji Nakamura Shinya
22nd 1997 Yamada Kimio Aoki Kikuyo
23rd 1998 Yamashita Keigo Takao Shinji
24th 1999 Yamashita Keigo Hane Naoki
25th 2000 Yamashita Keigo Hane Naoki
26th 2001 Yamashita Keigo Kubo Hideo
27th 2002 Cho U Takao Shinji
28th 2003 So Yokoku Fujii Shuya
29th 2004 Mizokami Tomochika Sakai Hideyuki
30th 2005 Kim Shujun Iyama Yuta
31st 2006 Matsumoto Takehisa Ko Iso
32nd 2007 Iyama Yuta Mochizuki Kenichi
33rd 2008 Uchida Shuhei Ha Yeong-il
34th 2009 Ri Ishu Mitani Tetsuya
35th 2010 Shiraishi Yuichi Mitani Tetsuya
36th 2011 Murakawa Daisuke Anzai Nobuaki
37th 2012 Kanazawa Makoto Fujita Akihiko
38th 2013 Fujita Akihiko Yu Zhengqi
39th 2014 Ichiriki Ryo Shida Tatsuya
40th 2015 Kyo Kagen Hirata Tomoya
41st 2016 Onishi Ryuhei Taniguchi Toru
42nd 2017 Shibano Toramaru Son Makoto
43rd 2018 Hirose Yuichi Onishi Kenya
44th 2019 Son Makoto Koike Yoshihiro
45th 2020 Seki Kotaro Sada Atsushi
46th 2021 Sotoyanagi Sebun Ueno Asami
47th 2022 Sakai Yuki Otake Yu
48th 2023 Ueno Asami Yo Chito
49th 2024 Miura Taro Fujii Koki

More information at [ext] Shinjin O, Go For Everyone

Shinjin O last edited by hnishy on October 3, 2024 - 10:28
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