Discovery Cup

    Keywords: Tournament

(ディスカバリー杯) Discovery Cup is a Japanese unofficial youth tournament. Professionals aged 18 or younger and 2 dan at most, and some top inseis can participate. Komi is 6.5 points.

Winners and defeated finalists
Ed. Year Winner Runner-up
1st 2020 Takei Taishin 1p Fukuoka Kotaro 1p
2nd 2021 Miura Taro 1p Sakai Yuki 2p
3rd 2022 Nakamura Sumire 2p Miura Taro 2p
4th 2023 Omote Yuto 1p Kawahara Yu 1p
5th 2024

Some of the games can be seen [ext] here.

Discovery Cup last edited by Bodhi on June 15, 2024 - 14:48
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