Supreme Female Player

    Keywords: Tournament

Korean, female, professional tournament held in its first edition in 2021.

Eight players compete in a round robin. The two best scoring players advance to a best-of-five match.

These were the competitors of the inaugural edition, ordered by their [ext] Go Ratings international women's rank of 2021-01-01:

Choi Jung, #1
O Yujin, #7
Cho Seunga, #8
Kim Chaeyeong, #14
Cho Hyeyeon, #15
Lee Minjin, #27
Kim Eunsun, #47
Jeong Yujin, #73

The player with the best performance in the league was, unsurprisingly, Choi Jung, with an impressive 6–1 (only loss to Cho Seunga (B-R)). The second best was O Yujin, again predictably, with 5–2 (losses only to Choi Jung and Lee Minjin).

The format appears very volatile: all the other six competitors were apparently demoted from the league, even Cho Seunga and Kim Chaeyoung who had scored 4–3.

Rating continued to be a strong predictor in the five game match: Choi Jung beat O Yujin 3–1.

The 3rd and 4th editions have been knockout format with a repechage system where early losers have their own final. The defending champion enters the first round like everyone else.

See also [ext] Supreme player of Female, Go for Everyone

Winners and Runners-up

Ed. Year Winner Runner Up Score
1st 2022 Choi Jung O Yujin 3–1
2nd 2022/3 Choi Jung Kim Chaeyoung 3–0
3rd 2023 Choi Jung Kim Eunji 2–1
4th 2024

Supreme Female Player last edited by Jono64a on July 6, 2024 - 18:45
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