Women's Kisei

    Keywords: Tournament

(女流棋聖戦) This is the female-only namesake of the Japanese Kisei title, though its prestige among the women's titles is considerably lower than the open Kisei for its quickplay format. The 2020 Nihon Ki-in ordering of women's events is 1. Women's Honinbo, 2. Women's Meijin, 3. Tachiaoi Cup (former Aidu Chuo Hospital Cup), 4. Women's Kisei, 5. Female Strongest (domestic Senko Cup).

Title holders
Ed. Year Winner Runner Up Score
27th 2024 Ueno Risa Nakamura Sumire 2–1
26th 2023 Nakamura Sumire Ueno Asami 2–1
25th 2022 Ueno Asami Suzuki Ayumi 2–0
24th 2021 Ueno Asami Suzuki Ayumi 2–1
23th 2020 Suzuki Ayumi Ueno Asami 2–1
22nd 2019 Ueno Asami Fujisawa Rina 2–0
21st 2018 Ueno Asami Xie Yimin 2–0
20th 2017 Xie Yimin Nyu Eiko 2–1
19th 2016 Xie Yimin Yoshihara Yukari 2–0
18th 2015 Xie Yimin Konishi Kazuko 2–0
17th 2014 Xie Yimin Aoki Kikuyo 2–0
16th 2013 Xie Yimin Aoki Kikuyo 2–0
15th 2012 Aoki Kikuyo Xie Yimin 2–1
14th 2011 Xie Yimin Umezawa Yukari 2–0
13th 2010 Xie Yimin Umezawa Yukari 2–0
12th 2009 Umezawa Yukari Kato Keiko 2–1
11th 2008 Umezawa Yukari Mukai Chiaki 2–0
10th 2007 Umezawa Yukari Mannami Kana 2–1
9th 2006 Mannami Kana Chinen Kaori 2–1
8th 2005 Chinen Kaori Mannami Kana 2–0
7th 2004 Mannami Kana Chinen Kaori 2–1
6th 2003 Chinen Kaori Kato Keiko 2–1
5th 2002 Chinen Kaori Ogawa Tomoko 2–1
4th 2001 Chinen Kaori Kato Keiko 2–1
3rd 2000 Chinen Kaori Kobayashi Izumi 2–0
2nd 1999 Kobayashi Izumi Sugiuchi Kazuko 2–1
1st 1998 Kobayashi Izumi Kobayashi Chizu 2–0

Winning the 21st edition, Ueno Asami 2p became the youngest Female Kisei at 16 years 3 months (*).

Nakamura Sumire broke the record by winning the 26th edition at 13 years 11 months, at the same time becoming the youngest ever titleholder in Japan.

(*)Reference - [ext] https://lifein19x19.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=15382 thx to John Fairbarn

Women's Kisei last edited by Jono64a on July 6, 2024 - 18:30
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