Maxim Cup

    Keywords: Tournament

Korean TV title for 9-dans only. Originally (first 4-5 terms) a win-and-continue format, now a knock-out.

See the [ext] Go to Everyone! section for more information.

Ed. Year Winner Runner up Score
1st 2000 Ch'oe Kyu-pyeong Yu Ch'ang-hyeok
2nd 2001 Yu Ch'ang-hyeok Yang Jaeho
3rd 2002 Yu Ch'ang-hyeok Kim Ilhwan
4th 2003 Jiang Zhujiu Rui Naiwei
5th 2004 Rui Naiwei Yu Ch'ang-hyeok
6th 2005 Yi Setol Yang Jaeho
7th 2006 Yi Setol Choe Cheol-han
8th 2007 Yi Setol Pak Cheong-sang
9th 2008 Park Yeonghun Mok Jinseok 2–1
10th 2009 Choe Cheol-han Park Yeonghun 2–0
11th 2010 Choe Cheol-han Kang Dongyun 2–1
12th 2011 Park Yeonghun Lee Changho 2–0
13th 2012 Park Junghwan Choe Cheol-han 2–0
14th 2013 Park Junghwan Yi Setol 2–0
15th 2014 Yi Setol Park Junghwan 2–0
16th 2015 Choe Cheol-han Hong Sungji 2–1
17th 2016 Lee Sedol Weon Seongjin 2–0
18th 2017 Park Junghwan Yun Junsang 2–1
19th 2018 Cho Hanseung Park Yeonghun 2–1
20th 2019 Shin Jinseo Lee Donghoon 2–1
21st 2020 Lee Jihyun Shin Minjun 2–0
22nd 2021 Kim Jiseok Lee Jihyun 2–0
23rd 2022 Park Junghwan Lee Donghoon 2–0
24th 2023 Shin Jinseo Lee Wonyoung 2–0
25th 2024 Shin Jinseo Kim Myunghoon 2–0

Maxim Cup last edited by Jono64a on June 12, 2024 - 02:32
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