Bingsheng Cup

    Keywords: Tournament

The Bingsheng Cup (兵圣杯), formally the Qionglong Shan (Mt.) Bingshen Cup, is a female international tournament created in 2010. First prize is 200,000 RMB, second 70,000 RMB. In 2013, prizes raised to 250,000 and 100,000 RMB.

In the first edition, the Bingsheng Cup was held at Qionglong Mountain (穹窿山) in Suzhou, China, hence the long name Qionglong Mountain Bingsheng Cup (穹窿山兵圣杯). For this reason the Bingsheng Cup is referred to as the Qionglong Cup in some English media. It is a knock-out tournament with 16 players and 30 minutes main time with 30 seconds byo-yomi.

Tournament winner was Park Jieun, runner up Hei Jiajia.

Rui Naiwei obtained a wild card; in Korea, China and Taiwan preliminary tournaments were held. Japan sent Aoki Kikuyo, Xie Yimin, and Chinen Kaori.

In Taiwan the winner of the preliminary tournament was Hei Jiajia, but an odd situation changed her to be the Oceania representative: A player from Thailand at first won the right to represent Oceania but unfortunately had to cancel because of personal issues. Faced with this change on a short notice, the tournament organizers invited Hei Jiajia as the Oceania representative, because of her dual citizenship with Australia and Taiwan. A new playoff was quickly run among four other Taiwanese participants to replace Hei, and was won by Zhang Kaixin (one SGF file includes preliminary matches of the tournament in Taiwan and you can download it from the Italian [ext] blog Weichi Taiwan).


See also [ext] Qionglong Cup, Go to Everyone

More information about the first edition:

The following SGFs were provided by, a site which apparently collapsed in 2019. The reader is advised to instead use the [ext] Go4Go tournament page or Waltheri until the tabled links have been replaced. Some or all of the links may also have archived versions in the [ext] Wayback Machine.

Tournament table
1st round
Tang Yi Rui Naiwei [ext] sgf
Xie Yimin Kim Hye-min [ext] sgf
Park Jieun Li Chenshuo [ext] sgf
Song Ronghui Chinen Kaori [ext] sgf
Zheng Yan Rita Pocsai [ext] sgf
Lee Sula Wang Chenxing [ext] sgf
Zhang Kaixin Li He [ext] sgf
Hei Jiajia Aoki Kikuyo [ext] sgf
2nd round
Tang Yi Xie Yimin [ext] sgf
Park Jieun Song Ronghui [ext] sgf
Zheng Yan Lee Sula [ext] sgf
Li He Hei Jiajia [ext] sgf
Park Jieun Tang Yi [ext] sgf
Zheng Yan Hei Jiajia [ext] sgf
Park Jieun 🇰🇷 Hei Jiajia 🇦🇺 [ext] sgf

Bingsheng Cup last edited by Jono64a on August 12, 2024 - 19:29
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