Daejoo Cup

    Keywords: Tournament

A Korean title for older professionals, first held in 2010. The first prize was 7,000,000 won in the first edition and 10,000,000 in the second (second prize 2 then 3 million won). As of the ninth edition, the first prize is 15,000,000 won and the second prize is 5,000,000.

In the first edition, 62 players over 50 competed in the preliminar tournament; 14 pros qualified for the final knockout tournament (Cho Hunhyun and Kim In were seeded). Time is 1 hour per player.

Currently, the male players have to be over 50 but the female players only have to be over 30.

Cho Hunhyun and Seo Bongsoo reached the final match (best of 3) and Cho won 2-0. Before this match, Cho and Seo had met in 363 games (and Cho had won 244 of them) and in 69 title match games (55 won by Cho).

Seo Neung-uk won the 2nd edition, beating Cho Hunhyun in the final on a single game.

In January 2013, Seo Neung-uk won also the 3rd edition, beating Seo Bongsoo in the final, again on a single game.

On 2013-12-16 Cho Hunhyun won the 4th edition, beating Choi Kyubyeong.

5th: Cho Chikun d. Cho Hyeyeon

6th: Choi Kyubyeong d. Cho Hyeyeon

7th: Cho Hyeyeon finally won, defeating Kim Younghwan

8th: Seo Bongsoo returned to the final, this time winning by defeating Yoo Changhyuk.

[ext] 9th (2022): Kim Hyemin d. Lee Minjin, both of them the first female finalists (and very good friends off the board). "Kim Hyemin was due to give birth to her second child ten days later."

Daejoo Cup last edited by Jono64a on June 21, 2024 - 20:19
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