Korean televised quickplay double elimination tournament, sometimes known as Baduk Wang. The final is a best-of-3 match. It's sponsored by KBS. The 34th edition changed to a Single Knockout Tournament Format.
Wikipedia's article lists runners up that aren't included in the following table. There is a numbering confusion, though: Wikipedia says that an edition was held in 1981, and so it increments every following edition by one. The 김희중 their article refers to is Kim Heuichung, the 金坐基 is Kim Chwaki, and the 하찬석 is Ha Chanseok.
The Wikipedia article also says that Mok Jinseok won the 2000 edition, but the SL table claims that it was won by Lee Changho. The Go to Everyone! section only goes back to the 26th (2007) edition. Finally, they have results for every edition, which we don't have on our article yet.
You can watch the game videos (from 2001 ~) on the internet see KBS for details