Korean Baduk League

    Keywords: Tournament

Korean Baduk League is a Korean team competition started in 2004.

2023 format

Now the format expanded to contain 12 teams, divided into two 6-team leagues. Regular season (January to May) consists of 16 rounds: 10 rounds in the double round-robin league and 6 rounds of interleague matches. Top three teams of each league advance to the postseason playoffs (May to June). For the first time, teams from Japan (Nihon Kiin, young players under 30 only) and Taiwan participate, playing games online.

Past results

8 teams compete in a double round-robin league (single round-robin in the first two editions). Four teams compete in a play-off for the title.

Winners (with individual scores, from 2005):

Notes on 2004 League at [ext] http://www.xs4all.nl/~rongen17/KBS/league.html

valerio: the first edition was a single robin round. In 2009 only seven teams compete, but in 2010 the teams were nine. In 2012 the teams were ten (9 players per team, 5 play in each round); from 2012 there is also a "B League" (four players per team).

Korean Baduk League last edited by hnishy on March 2, 2023 - 03:01
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