List of Chinese Professionals


List of professional players who are from or reside in China.

Table of contents

Chinese Weiqi Association

List of professionals affiliated with the Chinese Weiqi Association. Based on [ext] the Chinese wikipedia list of pros.

Beware of the mistakes from Chinese characters with multiple pronunciations. For example Ji vs Jie for 洁 in Ke Jie's name. SL links could be wrong too for people with same names/romanization. For example we have 3 Wang Hui's, 3 Zhang Qi's, and so on. Some even have exactly the same name, the ones labeled with 小 and 大. They are two people who share the same name.

Perfect Weiqi Database has a more complete list.

G4G stands for go4go.













Residing in China

From China

Playing in Japan

Playing in Korea


DuEm6: Feel free to suggest a better list. Ideally something official, not another fan website. The websites for the association are all dead. Which I find surprising. I always heard they have the healthiest community. A lot of amateur competitions, big prize money, and so on.

(bugcat: I don't know how things have changed in the last 16 years, but in 2005 the Tianyuan had a prize of only USD$6,000 and the Mingren a mere $3,000. Compare that to Japanese tournaments of the time which had prizes of hundreds of thousands. See this [ext] excerpt from the AGA E-Journal.)

DuEm6: Someone told me that the news from Chinese Weiqi Association are distributed through WeChat. Partly explains why their websites are in such a state.

Dieter: the following names in the libary are orphans. As I don't really want to maintain the list per rank, I leave it to others:

Dong Yutang Cui Qianjin Gao Fang Gon Jiwu Jia Xinyi Jiag Lei? Lin Boyu Lin Yuting Lyu Liyan Ma Shuai Wang Shuo B Wang Yinlingshui Wu Baiyi XuYidi Zeng Bingquan Zeng Pinjie Zeng Yuanhai Zhang Baiqing Zhao Wenhua Zhou Ziyi Lin Zijie Wang Chuxuan Yang Zhiwen Chen Jiarui the Younger Ding Kewen Ren Jianming Zhu Feihong

See also

List of Chinese names

List of Taiwanese professionals

Chinese Professional List Discrepancies

List of Chinese Professionals last edited by Mysteryflight on December 8, 2024 - 02:53
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