Xie Ke

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picture (templates currently not working): [ext] http://bingoweiqi.com/pwdo/pics/2505.PNG

谢科 Xič Kē [1]
b. 2000-01-14
Chinese top professional


1p 2013
2p 2015
3p, 4p & 5p 2017
6p 2018
7p & 8p 2019
9p 2021


2017: Semifinalist in the 3rd MLily Cup
2018: Runner up (1-2) to Lian Xiao in the 32nd Tianyuan
2021: Runner up (2-3 to Mi Yuting) in the 4th MLily Cup
2021-2023: Runner up (0-2 to Shin Jinseo) in the 9th Ing Cup
2024: Finalist in the 10th Ing Cup facing Ichiriki Ryo

In the series of 41 or 70 games [2] played by Chinese AI Golaxy, with White and no komi, against professionals in April-May 2018, Xie was (according to Wikipedia) the only player to win a game. [3]


Go Ratings:

2014-01-01: #111
2015-01-01: #101
2016-01-01: #61
2017-01-01: #42
2018-01-01: #22
2019-01-01: #18
2020-01-01: #13
2021-01-01: #14

Chinese Ratings:
(only ranking Chinese pros)

2015-12: #99
2016-12: #77
2017-12: #29
2018-12: #15
2019-12: #18


[ext] En. Wiki [ext] Ch. Wiki [ext] Ja. Wiki [ext] Ko. Wiki [ext] PWD [ext] Namu [ext] Waltheri [ext] Go4Go [ext] Go Ratings


  • Lian Xiao says on one of his videos in 2021 that apparently one time when Xie Ke went to Korea and played Kim Jiseok, he asked Kim after the game whether he could pass on a message to Cho Seungah (曹承亚) because he wants to play her again because he lost to her as a junior, and Kim was very inquisitive about his true intentions [ext] bilibili clip



xie ke apr2023 (Image credit: 0)
xie ke apr2023 (Image credit: Foxwq.com)

yu zhengqi xie ke mlily 2023 (Image credit: 2)
yu zhengqi xie ke mlily 2023 (Image credit: Foxwq.com)


[1] Uncited pinyin found on the English Wikipedia. Checked with Wiktionary.

[2] The first number is taken from Xie's English Wikipedia page, citing Chinese language material. The second is from SL's Golaxy article, citing an L19 thread.

[3] SL's Golaxy article says that it lost three games, in the longer 70 game series that it claims took place.

Xie Ke last edited by kuhi on July 9, 2024 - 09:44
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